View Full Version : Can anyone traslate medicalese?!

16-02-13, 17:55
Hi-On a visit to A+E with chest pain about three months ago, I had a chest X-ray. Being H/A prone, I asked the radiologist if she would let me know ASAP if she saw anything wrong. She said it looks AOK but you have, and I stress it soundedlike "emphysematic build" at the top of your lungs. As I was quite relieved to hear nothing else, I forgot to ask what this was. The A+E doctor guessed correctly that I smoked, had a lot of chest inf's and constant "phlegmy" sensations in throat.
Can anyone tell me what it actually was that the radiologist quoted? All translations welcomed.
Take care everyone!!

16-02-13, 18:12
Why don't you go to your doctor and ask as they will have a copy of the report.

There is no point guessing what was said etc - you need to know for sure.

16-02-13, 20:16
Cheers Nicola. I'm sure he will be over the moon by another visit by me!!! lol!!!

16-02-13, 21:11
I work in healthcare and I'm afraid no one can guess what they meant by that - it would be unfair to give you the incorrect information. My only advise would be to quit smoking as this will increase your lung function. Your GP should be able to support you with this and the NHS has numerous Stop Smoking initiatives, not just patches. I know that's not what you're after and I'm sure you're already aware but if you're concerned about your health, the best thing you can do to improve it is to ditch the stick - good luck!