View Full Version : Something new to worry about !

06-09-06, 20:40

Im all in a tizz tonight, i wonder if any of you could give me advice on Pulse and BP.

I have been to the gym twice with my keyworker, and as im so unfit the person who did the induction at the gym advised me to visit my GP and have my BP taken, as i kept going dizzy while using the equipment, i havent done anything strenuous i have just been on the walking machine for around 15minutes. Anyway, today i went to the docs to have my BP taken, the first time she took it it was real high and my Pulse was high too, so she took it a second time which was the same, the third time she took it my pulse was high but my BP was lower. I was very nervous about visiting the Doctors and came out in a hot sweat while there, she said that could be the reason why it was high. She as told me to go back in 3 weeks for it taken again, and if its the same she said she will do some blood tests. Im sat here now thinking i have a bad heart!
As anyone else had high BP because of anxiety?



06-09-06, 23:38
Hi there,When I visited the doctors she took my blood pressure,it was high and as I sat there she took it 3 more times.Each time she took it it had come down.It was where I had got my self so nervouse about seeing her.Iv been told its called white coat syndrome.Im sure this is probably what had happened,but we always think the worse dont we.
Take Care.[8)]

Ellen XX

polly daydream
07-09-06, 00:27
Hi Andrea, I had a dr's appointment on Monday in which I had to have my blood pressure taken, I have awfull white coat syndrome everytime and my bp is always too high because of it. My dr now knows what to expect and never worries as she knows that as soon as I walk out of the surgery it goes right down again. I have a suggestion for you, buy yourself a bp kit that you could take yourself when you get home from the surgery, that way you will know if it is being nervous that is causing it, I'm very sure that it is, don't use it to often though as you might become obsessed with it, my dr told me the same.

Hope this has helped,

Polly x

07-09-06, 00:31
Hi Ellen

Thanks alot for your reply, i feel alot more relaxed now you have told me about white coat syndrome, i have just googled it and i think you are right. I was so nervous in the doctors, when i had my blood pressure taken i thought i was going to pass out because of the panic, i was sat down but had to stand up to distract my self from the dizzyness.Im sure that didnt help with BP.

Many thanks Ellen !



07-09-06, 00:33
Thanks Polly !

I will buy one tommorrow! Thanks ever so much for your reply.



07-09-06, 21:14
Hi Andrea

My husband doesn't suffer from anxiety (except with mine!), but he does suffer from white coat syndrome. Just the thought of the doc taking his blood pressure sends it up. He bought a machine to monitor it himself, and when he uses it he takes the best of three. (Does it three times and takes an average).

But I guess us guys with anxiety have to be careful we don't get tied into taking it too often and worrying even more. But white coat syndrome is what the doctor said my hubby had when his BP was up visiting the doctor. [8D]


10-09-06, 16:44

I am feeling much better today now i have purchased my BP monitor, im sure it must have been White Coat Syndrome, i had never heard of it before, and was getting really worried. My BP was really high at the doctors, my pulse was 125 and was so worried, i tried it again at home with the new monitor and still my pulse was 125 for 2 days, but i could feel my anxiety raising as soon as i got the Monitor out of the box!
Today i have felt more relaxed and have got a normal BP reading and pulse at 75.

Phewww !!



10-09-06, 17:46
Hi Andrea.........
There has been times when i went to the docs and my bp was very high even tho im usually at the right number she would take it again it was high and once i calmed down it was back to normal yes being anxious does this at times but its good to have it checked tho.......try not to worry sounds like u were just nervous..........best to ya ........Linda[8D]

11-09-06, 09:49
Another white coat syndrome person here too [:I]:D!!

I too bought a monitor a year or so ago (the novelty of using it soon wears off) like the one they use at my doctors this was enough to reassure me that my bp is normal!! :D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.