View Full Version : googled something harmless and now I'm in panic mode

mrs way to worried
16-02-13, 20:15
I think I may have tounge cancer the side of my tounge has been sore a while dow and I realised I have been chewing on it but on the bit I poke out there is like a sicking out bump same colour as my tounge but its definatly not always been there , I googled how to stop biting my tounge to get some tips and it was a medical forum that said get to a dentist or doctor as bumps that appear if they r the size of the end of a pencil and if they are cancer it could be to late :ohmy:I am terrified mouth cancer is my worst fear cause it spreads so fast I don't know what to do I am so scared , I saw my dentist a week ago but I can never ask anything as he doesn't understand english very well would he have seen cancer of my tounge when he did my check up someone please help me

16-02-13, 20:35
If you have been biting it then it sounds more like an ulcer. dentists usually automatically check for other things when they do the check up so he would have noticed.

mrs way to worried
16-02-13, 20:42
But it just looks normal could the cancer be inside so they wouldn't notice without me mentioning it and doing a biopsy ?

16-02-13, 21:03
You would have other symptoms too and probably patches on your tongue. I really think seeing as you have been chewing your tongue that it will be a ulcer but if you check with your doctor just to reassure you.

mrs way to worried
16-02-13, 22:13
I will it has really panicked me don't think ill sleep till monday hopefull can get emergency app if not its a 2 week wait :(

18-02-13, 10:51
Bad things happen to us HA when we search things. :(

With the absence of other symptoms, I HIGHLY doubt it is anything serious.

You may want to have a trip to the dentist just to reassure you. I am confident you will get reassuring results.

Stay away from Google, it will only cause you harm. :wacko: