View Full Version : Hello (and Aaaargh)

16-02-13, 20:45
First post here, but long time health anxiety suffer which has recently gotten worse. First off I have Cyclothymia (mild bipolar) which my doc thinks is linked to my health anxiety. Although all this probably started when I was diagnosed with very mild Mitral Valve Prolapse about 6 years ago. I was told it would never impact on my life and was so minor it was hardly noticeable, although ever since every minor ache or pain near my chest must in my mind signal
an on coming heart attack (i'm only 26).

However my latest obsession is my definitive belief that I have cervical cancer. I had my first smear test a year ago and everything was fine, so you think i'd have nothing to worry about... WRONG!

In December I had some bleeding after intercourse (I know too much info right...) and also had to take the morning after pill after contraceptive failure :wacko: This has messed up my subsequent periods and i've been having quite a bit of cramping. Saw the doctor about 4 times between December and the start of February. They took swabs, urine, examined me and assured me I was fine. However i'm still getting the cramping (i think...) it's very mild and I have no other symptoms. Saw the doc again on Wednesday and got very upset so they agreed to another Smear test. (I'm lucky my GP is very understanding.) I'm terrified now it's going to be abnormal, and that it'll already be Cancer.

Sorry for the long rant, just had to get this out my system. I'm a biology graduate and a science teacher, i'm meant to be rational but I just can't seem to be *sigh* Any replies or advice would be much appreciated.


16-02-13, 21:16
I know how you feel, I have been suffering with cramps for about a month noww and I also have low backache. I aam on the menopause ans havent had a period for nearly a year, I am so scared of going to the doctor as when I was younger I had to have laser treatment due to pre cancerous cells.I have been suffering with bad wind and am puting it down to that plus I am stressing over the slightest thing atthe moment, I hope you feel better soon :)

16-02-13, 21:22
Thanks. I also have back pain which worries me but i've had back pain on and off since a martial arts injury at 15. I know the combination of my age, lack of any 'real' symptoms and a clear smear a year ago should really mean I have nothing to worry about but it really doesn't feel that way.:weep: