View Full Version : Back again

16-02-13, 22:04

I haven't posted on here for a while as I seemed to be feeling better since starting meds.

Unfortunately, my beloved nan passed away a few weeks ago, we were very close and it has hit me very hard.

Over the past week I have been waking up in the night feeling terrible. The first time I felt faint, clammy and sick and the second time I felt dizzy. That was last night and now I'm scared to go to sleep in case I get vertigo again (this initially triggered my HA in October last year following a viral infection). I had thought I was doing well but now I feel back to square 1. I'm certain there is something seriously wrong with me and that I'm going to die.

Any advice appreciated


17-02-13, 00:03
Oh dear, sorry to hear you arent feeling too good. I also have been fine for sometime, but it doesnt take much to tip the scales.
Its understandable you will be set back with a a bereavement, anyone would be suffering even with out anxiety.
I also had vertigo before i became unwell and it is the scariest thing ever, i really didnt know what was happening i felt like my world had gone mad and for months afterwards i would wake in the night just to check everything was ok when i opened my eyes.It is the most terrifying thing I have ever had. But we have to remember it isnt dangerous and medication does stop it, so if it happens again you wil get help and it will stop.
Any sleep disturbance sets me off with a feeling similar to vertigo I feel sick and feel like i am tipping in my bed, or i feel like with motion sickness but without the motion. I think once you have had it, it leaves a weakness and the sensations of being dizzy or unsteady trigger that scary vertigo memory thats all it is.
Remember you are not back to square one because you have been here before and recovered from it, you wont go back there if you just give it time and dont worsen it by thinking that way :)
Give yourself a break and accept that you are having a tough time and coming to terms with a death as well as battling your own condition. You are doing well because you are aware that you could slip back and trying to stop that. It will be a very hard time for you, but you have a reason for feeling like this it hasnt come from nowhere so just try and give it time and get plenty of rest at anytime and try not to focus on all the symptoms. Try and accept this is ok because of what you are going through and you will gradually improve xx take care x

17-02-13, 11:51
Thank you SO much for your reply. It really helped me because that's exactly how I feel sometimes in the night, as though I'm tipping or falling and you're right it immediately makes me think the vertigo is coming back. When I had vertigo it came on in the middle of the night. I had gone to bed with a temperature and sore throat and thought it was probably a virus and I'd be a bit better in the morning. I woke up to turn over in bed and everything was spinning and I freaked out really badly. I wouldn't go to the drs because I was convinced he would send me to hospital and I'd have a brain tumour but I eventually went and they said my ears were full of fluid and that's what was causing the vertigo. I was exactly like you and for weeks afterwards I would wake up and open one eye just to check.

It's comforting to know someone else has been through it -although I wish neither of us had!

Thanks again for taking the time to reply. I hope you're feeling well and continue to get better xxx