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View Full Version : Infection in umbilicus - scared

16-02-13, 22:31
Inside my belly button is very very red and swollen. I went to see a doctor who said it's either an irritation or an infection so has given me some hydrocortisone cream and a course of antibiotics. I'm now terrified.

Firstly the antibiotics are scaring me, I am a medication phobe and worry that they will interact with my other meds even though the doctor says they won't.

Secondly the infection itself scares me. I worry that it'll burrow into my abdomen, that it'll turn into necrotising fasciitis and kill me, I worry that it won't clear up or it'll give me septicaemia.

Just what I needed a new worry to add to my gamut of others, it feels like my body is falling apart.

16-02-13, 23:25
Your doctor would not have prescribed the antibiotic if it would interact with your other meds. The antibiotic will quickly clear up the infection. Make sure you take the full course. You will be fine :)

16-02-13, 23:56
Hi Totally agree with Annie in regards with the medication prescribed by your doctor.My friend had exactly the same about several months ago, she too was prescribed exactly the same and cleared up within a few weeks.The reason the dr said infection had taken there was because of sweat etc.Hope you will soon be okay.

17-02-13, 05:36
I'm also scared because this antibiotic is one of the ones that can cause clostridium difficile. My son had it after an antibiotic course so I'm scared that he may have passed it onto me and that after this antibiotic course I'll get it and die.

17-02-13, 13:26
Isn't it odd the different things that set us off?

Honestly, my belly btton gets like that quite often, hae never given it a second thought and never showed it to the dr, I just stick a couple of drops of lavender in it and forget all about it.

I was however, crying hysterically this morning because i had to take an anto-histamine and I was convinced after I took it that my tongue was swelling and I was going into anaphaletic (?) shock.

17-02-13, 14:09
Hi I get this quite often too some sudacrem or savlon usually a helps x