View Full Version : Right sided pain terrible anxiety

17-02-13, 13:05

I haven't posted on here for some time as I was doing ok. However I seem to have gone right back this week. My mind is all over the place and I am just looking for some help to try and rationalise my thinking.

A few weeks ago I was tidying my stepsons room when I suddenly had this awful pain in my back on the right side. It was very painful to sit and drive but walking was ok. Went to my docs who said I had strained a muscle. Off I went, then the pain subsided, although I still felt twinges. The following week it came back again. Then I went online and suddenly became convinced I had kidney cancer. I went to out of hours doctor who examined me. He tested my reflexes and tested my urine which was clear. He said he agreed with the other doc that it was a sprain. Since then I have got steadily worse - the pain is not as acute as it was initially, but it is still there.

This week I have been to doctors 3 times. They have listened to my concerns about kidney cancer, one felt my kidneys and said sprain! But I cannot believe the pain is muscular. Why didn't they test my urine again? I have started pressing my kidneys really hard and the area I am pressing is very sore. I even have small bruises as a result. I can't eat, sleep or think straight. I read loads of stories online of people with kidney cancer who's symptoms were pain in that area.

Last night one of my toes started tingling and still is now. I now think I have kinder cancer that has spread to my brain or spine. Up until all this I was quite healthy, no problems. Then wham, this pain came and I have slowly become a mess again. I feel sick to the stomach and every time I look at my 3 year old daughter I get even more scared that something is going to happen to me.

If anyone can help me rationalise I would be really grateful. Last year I was worried about lung cancer because I kept getting blood when I cleared my throat. After a clear x ray I settled down, but it still haunts me. 7 years ago I had blood in my urine but no infection so had to have a load of tests including ultra sound of kidneys, all was clear. But that was a very long time ago and I know that lots could have happened since then. Then 2 years ago I had to have an MRI of my head and neck which was fine too. I keep thinking that my luck is going to run out soon and that this time it really is going to be bad.

Thanks for reading


17-02-13, 13:28
Hi Sarah. Sorry to read what you're going through. I am much the same at the moment but mine is lung cancer fear. I had a clear xray but Im worried the xray missed something. People with HA are fools to ourselves because we Google and make our anxiety so much worse. I can't bear to think of my kids going through losing their Mum or having to say goodbye to them. Despite the fear being constant I am still smoking!

Try not to Google more horror stories and believe your doctors. Easy for me to say as I dont even heed my own advice. Going to push for ct scan this week as I coughed up blood on Friday evening/saturday morning. All doctors have said I should be reassured by xray but I know they can miss tumours sometimes.

Take care. You are not alone in you fears.

Andrea xx

Daisy Sue
17-02-13, 13:53
Hi Sarah - I often hurt my back in exactly those areas, I think I have a weakness there now after a particularly bad sprain (where I had to be lifted off my bed by paramedics)... the pain you describe, and what brought it on, is typical of a lower back injury, and it can take ages to go... and even when you think it's gone, the tiniest little movement in the wrong way can make it twinge again...

All you need is time, rest, painkillers (anti-inflammatories if you can), and it will subside. Heat helps too, like those heat pads you can buy at the chemist, or a hot water bottle, and also I have a TENS machine which is brilliant for back ache.

The tingling is directly associated with those nerve paths being affected by the back sprain, so don't worry.. it's all typical and normal.