View Full Version : so scared,upset ect..................

17-02-13, 15:45
Hey all. Well so had my anxietys bad this morning but it,s left me feeling upset & queistoning all day! Well woke up was ok but then mabe 1hr after looked in mirror & i looked realy pale & my lips were all dry & pale but also a bit like purple,ish. & automaticly made me have my anxietys i thought it,s m heart. But then a bit after looked again & my skin had a tinge ov purple,ish to it. I have got a cold & totaly bungd up. But my anxietys this morning were bad thought i was going to die. Im suprised i didn,t have panic attack. & now im just left thinking this can,t be anxiety. Im so feeling upset & im holding everything in wen realy i just feel i can,t carry on

17-02-13, 16:18
I think when we have a physical illness like a cold it always tends to make us feel more anxious and tired. I hope your cold gets better soon. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

17-02-13, 16:29
Aw you poor thing, i am sure its just the cold that is makes you look pale etc. Just try to remember that the anxiety are sensations that can't harm you. Try not to hold everything in thats what were are here for to help you get through the tough times. Try not to be to hard on yourself, your allowed to feel rubbish when you have a cold, and like anne already said being ill on top of anxiety can make the feelings seem worse. The good thing is you didn't have a panic attack. I really do hope you feel better soon :hugs:

17-02-13, 17:31
Thank u annie. Still feel crap. Xxxxxxxxxx

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------

aw you poor thing, i am sure its just the cold that is makes you look pale etc. Just try to remember that the anxiety are sensations that can't harm you. Try not to hold everything in thats what were are here for to help you get through the tough times. Try not to be to hard on yourself, your allowed to feel rubbish when you have a cold, and like anne already said being ill on top of anxiety can make the feelings seem worse. The good thing is you didn't have a panic attack. I really do hope you feel better soon :hugs:
thank u helan 1980. Xxxxxx. Thank u for saying your here for me. Right back at u. Xxxxxxx