View Full Version : I KNOW I have Melanoma-no docs do tho

06-09-06, 21:25
I was an RN before I became disabled with a lung lesion/asthma and severe uncontroled epilepsy with significant head injury. I can handle all of that, for the most part. When I was an RN tho primarily I was a certified midwife and/or worked in high risk labor and delivery. But I needed a change. Became interested in hospice and did that for 2 years. We had a lot of training before seeing our first patient and again I didn't find myself worrying about the deadly diseases of people we'd be taking care of.

But now, years later, I do worry, and maybe I did before. We did have a lot of ALS patients. I found that very hard to deal with. Another found AIDS patients very hard so we switch. That's the only time I knew of someone's maladies effected me. But my children always kidded me I was on the "mole patrol". IOW I saw skin cancer, melanoma specificaly which is the only deadly one out of 4, on all of my children, 11 in all. I doubt any of them escaped childhood without a "suspicious" mole removed. Sometimes I had to shame or guilt trip the doctor into removing them. Always they were benign.

I have had a "suspicious" mole on my arm. I should say it's suspicious to me, not any doctors. I've been to several doctors who have reassured me it's ok, doesn't need removing. I can't believe it. Now I have another just like it on my leg and I seem to know it is a sure sign my melanoma that is going undiaganosed thru I always think negligence is spreading. Melanoma is a very sneaky disease too. The patients I had that had it felt mostly fine until they entered the terminal stage. This fact probably scares me the most and gives memore "proof". I'm not symptomatic for cancer but in melanoma that's the way it was in my patients until it progressed to a certain point. I go thru periods I KNOW it is progressing and now with the advent of a new "suspicious" mole, I just know I have it.

A friend of mine had melanomas,lived unbelievably because many don't, but she had surgeries that butchered her body - at least to me, and other nasty treatments.. To her she was very "lucky". I'm dying to call her but know I'd sound like a nut. I have shown this other mole to two ER pysicians who blew it/me off. I thought it wasn't bothering me that much but today I showed it to my husband and burst into tears feeling he didn't get it when he reassured me I was fine. He didn't seem to "get it".

When I was a hospice nurse? My baby dog at the time got cancer. I now have epilepsy? My now baby dog got it too, the dog I had before her eventually contracted it also. None of these things are contagious but it does make me wonder what gives? I feel like the proverbial "bad penny", feel my children should avoid me. Worry a little bit about what I'm doing to my husband by just being flawed me. What part do I have in his severe heart disease? I can't shake the feeling I'm spreading disease that hasn't been discovered yet it can be spread by people like me. This bothers me most

I am going thru a real health crises right now. I'm probably going to have to go thru brain surgery for epilepsy for the 4th time and it's freezing me solid with fear. So is my husband and to me? It is proof that it happens, I can't predict my health future. I just want the blasted things off! No one wants to do "unnecessary office surgeries". It's not THAT big a deal to remove a mole. Lord knows I went through many with my mole patrol on my children.

If I'm logical I've been to specialist in this, even ones I trust, but I feel they are wrong. I feel they think I'm taking on symptoms of patients, which is common in the medical field, but I don't feel like that, have never done that. ALS bothered me, what it did to people ripped me wide open but I never felt I was getting it. But right now for myself? I'm thinking about cutting these two moles out myself. Then I wonder are there some in my hair, on my back where I can't see them?

If experts i trust in oncology and dermatolougy I've seen say it's not melanoma I know I should tru

06-09-06, 21:53

I am sure your doctors know what they are talking about and if they were concerned they would refer you for further tests.

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

07-09-06, 06:36
Realistically Trac I know you are right but I'm obsessed by this. I have ircled them with a laundry marker to prove they are growing yet I know the one on my arm has not.I did call my friend and she told me she had to get very bad before anyone listened to her. Now I'm really frightened. I have enough real health problems, my husband too. I was so upset tonight I let the bathtub overflow, forgot I turned it on, and it flow everywhere, out to the hallway.

I have to get hold of this. Both of us do have real healths but I'm more worried about "hidden" moles on me, my children, than what is real. Like I said, this is insane.I'd be embarassed to tell you how many doctors I've been too - let's say plenty. All agree, I do not have melanoma but I worry and I think they are wrong. I think my future plans have been blown apart by our current real health problems. Now, anything seems possible. I have accepted or I am sorry, isthe word expected (?), eplilepsy as much as possible. I haven't said my husband has heart disease but I'm getting there, dealing with it I mean. But my problem is - probably a phantom disease. None of this makes any sense, I know that, but I don't either. I keep thinking about the rogue breast cells and they were not cancer they said I have to watch it closer that is all and I should be worried about this and brain surgery maybe and my husband's bad health but no I worry about melanoma I probably don't have my logical mind it says but my emotional mind it says watch out but I can no quit this worry. I do not worry all time, like taking a shower or going to bed at night stuff like that I guess. My friend said she had to force her doctors to biopsy her moles. It's a miracle she's alive. It scared me a lot and plus both of her children died at that time. One from heart

little girl it was a freak accident so they happen huh? Her husband left her when she was very sick and I wonder it happen to me too? Ok leave me but do not take my children I am thinking. I am afraid today to ask how are you to them.

Usually I live in the moment but now? I've lost that. We had such a carefully planned future and it got blown to heck from our known health problems but that, I've adjusted to that I have felt but it is bad right now. I may face another surgery and what I think of is ok I'll be asleep take the moles off and I am facing BRAIN surgery yet I worry about these moles, maybe. I guess I really am nuts! Now I feel like - what is the next shoe to drop?


PS - I speakSwedish mainly and I am having problems writing in Englixh and if you get mistakes, it is that. I am sorry.When I am nervous I do it.

07-09-06, 06:47
I thinnkn I better not talk about ik no more. I sound like I aM NUTS AND MAYBE i AMMMM. i GO TO A THERAPIST FOR ptsd AND i SHOULD TELL HER I GUESS BUT NOT ONE MORE DOCtoR WILL TELL ME NOOOOOOOOO IT IS OK SO i NOT TELL HER. i THINK i am very stressed agout many real things and the unreal things they are getting ugly huh? Sorry I type in caps I am too tired to change them ok? I haffta type with my eyes close an epilepsy thing but I no care., It is ok. Yo do not care huh?

07-09-06, 09:59
Hi meggy.i think you have answered you own question hun!All these very real health problems you and M have,god girl they would floor most people but you have been burying your fearYou are swopping the fear of a real illness with that of an imaginary one.The fear of melanoma is taking your mind offf the fear of yur impending tests and surgeries,hey it is human and normal to be scared Meggy.But dont add to the stress by circling these moles hun!This i feel is a reaction ,a panic if yu like in reaction to your epilepsy getting worse.Ltes face it ,having moles off is peanuts compared to brain surgery!I am here for you ,you know that Meggy.So ,it is ok to be scared,it is allowed!You are not a health jinx either hun!You are always so in control meggy,looking after others and animals too.You have hit overload and it is YOUR time now.Allow yourself to be frightened and time to get well and strong too.Love ya.Mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

12-09-06, 20:44
Thank you Mary Rose and Trac. I'm calmed down again about the melanoma scare. I do know when I'm overloaded health wise I tend to start this suspicion that I have melanoma. Why I can't recognize myself I always do this, I really don't know. I mean I think I do know it but the fear is so great I can't get rational about it. This is the first time I've ever really been this honest about this fear I have had, plus the fear I'm jinxing people and animals I love. I'm still periodically having occasional panic like attacks that are brief when I think about it but overall I'm realizing I'm just terrified of the next test that's to be done still testing to see what they're going to do with this potential brain surgery and when I think about that? I start thinking - and I have melanoma.

I read an article once that said people who have epilepsy have a 20% higher occurrence in their dogs too. That's all it said. Epilepsy is definitely not contagious but I've now had two dogs with epilepsy and it's made me jumpy, feeling a lot of guilt. I finally talked to my vet about that statistic and he said it's probably not a higher incidence but as an epileptic I recognize seizures in my dog where others may not. That makes sense to me.

Thank you Mary Rose for the kind things you said. It gave me more confidence in myself to get rational, see why I was going through this again, and it's settled down quite a bit and continues to do so. Thank goodness.
