View Full Version : Need help please

17-02-13, 17:42
I'm so upset, can feel myself slipping into depression. Stopped citaopram 2 weeks ago and still feeling every symptom under the sun. Been trying to hold it together at work but not easy. Now my husband who is my rock has said he thinks I should go back on it and come off it slower. I've been off for two weeks and don't want all that to have been for nothing. I've stopped so that we can have a family and I don't want to leave it any longer. Now we've had a row, he's saying I'm unreasonable when I'm not on meds and I'm just gutted. So flat and tearful and having thoughts of suicide - not that I'd ever act on them - just so down and can't bear to talk to him about all this now. I was doing ok apart from the symptoms but now I feel like he thinks I'm a headcase. Just so upset :weep: Bad bad day today and on nights this week which will really **** with my mind - nice!

17-02-13, 18:33
I'm so sorry to hear how you are feeling. It may be worth starting a low dose again and tapering very slowly to give yourself the best chance of success? If you are planning to have a baby it would be a good idea to be as stress free as possible and as well as you can be.

Try not to be so hard on yourself and give yourself credit for having a plan that you are working towards. Just because you are struggling withdrawing on this occasion, doesn't mean that next time won't go better :)

It might be worth speaking to your GP about a more gradual withdrawal? Also make sure you are getting enough rest. Night shifts can play havoc with your body clock and mood. Be kind to yourself. I hope that you feel much better soon :hugs:

17-02-13, 18:39
please don't act on any suicide thoughts

17-02-13, 20:32
I never would. The thoughts of self harm are just really upsetting. I have no history of self harm / suicide and have no intension of getting one. That's why these new thoughts are making me tearful