View Full Version : Feeling really negative

17-02-13, 17:43
I have not been well the past few days with back and stomach pains. This has affected my sleep even more than usual and also my IBS is really playing up. After a few good weeks I am back today thinking just what is the point? I am feeling really tearful and sorry for myself. I just had an argument with my daughter. She and her partner have their own house now and I want to clear the loft out before the ceiling caves in! There was quite a few boxes belonging to my daughter and we took them over for her. She is now shouting at me saying she has no room for them and I have to take them back! am I being unreasonable or not. Now that they have all left home I just want my own house sorting and be able to get some of my own things in the loft space.
I have only just started back at work on my phased return and the first few days seemed to go well but now I am stressing about that and feeling like I don't want to be there. Two of my colleagues don't speak to each other so it is not a good atmosphere especially as I feel that one of them is being a bit awkward with me as she thinks I should be 'on her side' I don't want to take sides at all and it is just upsetting for me. This week is a holiday so I don't go back until a week tomorrow.
Tomorrow my little kitten is going to the vets to be neutered and I am worrying about that. I just feel I cannot cope today.
So sorry for the long moan :weep:

17-02-13, 17:47
i really feel for you annie i am sure you will manage to cope

17-02-13, 17:59
Annie sometimes you have to have a good moan to get it all out of your system, don't worry about your kitten he will be fine, I worried about my two but honestly the way they do it nowadays they came home and it was like they had not had anything done, they were not even sleepy, when i had my previous cat done it was so different but he was 21 when he died and things move on.

I understand what you are saying about the space we still have a garage full of stuff that has accumulated and when the other two move out I am going to have a big clear out.

Work is also so new going back, you are right to not take sides, I think there is always someone who does not get on with another whereever you work.

I am sure if you can get a good nights sleep you will feel better and brighter. xx

17-02-13, 18:09
Thank you both. Janine I think you are right, lack of sleep is never good for me. I didn't get to sleep until 4 am this morning. I was in bed by 10:30 and at 2:30 gave up trying to sleep and came downstairs to read. I have to be up early tomorrow to get my kitten to the vets. My 2 year old was fine and even though the vet said he would be drowsy he was running along the curtain rails when he got home!! I don't know why I am so worried this time...again the answer is probably because I am exhausted! x

17-02-13, 18:25
i take 1mg respiridone twice a day and it helps me sleep, you need to try and relax hun so you can get some sleep

17-02-13, 18:27
i take 1mg respiridone twice a day and it helps me sleep, you need to try and relax hun so you can get some sleep

I strained my back at work on Thursday and I think it is the back pain that kept me awake. i may have to take stronger pain killers tonight.

17-02-13, 18:30
It sounds as though you've got quite a lot of things going on at the moment so it's only natural to feel a bit anxious about everything. You'll get through it all though, you're strong and you can and will cope.

Work-wise, I can sympathise - I work in a big open plan office with about 15 people in it. A few of them seem to make it their goal to snipe as much as they can about others.


But don't take sides. I just try keep out of people's business now and focus on the important bits about work - it gets you out of the house and into a good routine and most importantly, it pays the bills.:winks:

17-02-13, 18:32
I think paying the bills is the only thing keeping me at work. It is such a negative place sometimes and I hate any sort of confrontation or people arguing with each other.

17-02-13, 18:32
i used to have terrible stabbing back pains at work which was down to not sleeping properly but i'm ok now, i haven't been at work for 3 years now due to anxiety and depression, i'm still recovering but i'm better than i was before too sick leave from work

17-02-13, 18:34
I have been off since last June and just went back a week ago. Initially I was off because I had an accident and fractured 2 metatarsals which triggered my anxiety big time. I still have a lot of pain in my foot too and my pain threshold is not very good!

17-02-13, 18:48
oops i meant to say i have been off work for 3 years and i won't be going back to work in electronics its just stressing me out big time

17-02-13, 18:58
Hi Annie I'm sorry that you are not feeling so good tonight. The negative feelings that you are experiencing are a result of the stress you are under at the moment. You have been doing so well - unfortunately it is normal to experience a dip especially if you haven't been sleeping. I suffer with severe back pain so I know how you must be feeling. You could try a hot bath or hot and cold pads put on the affected area. I am not allowed most pain killers but I am allowed a little diazepam and paracetamol. The diazepam takes the edge off the pain. Be aware that if you take stronger pain meds you might sleep anyway. I'm sure this is just a little blip. I'm not sure what you can do about the storage problem. We are in this situation too and have stuff in storage waiting the arrival of metal shed. Talk rationally and quietly to your daughter. I'm sure she will see that you can't store her belongings any longer. The kitten will be fine and we have to put Bertie through this in May. It is because the animals become 'family' and extensions of ourself and we don't want any harm to come to them. It will all be fine. Rest up and play some relaxing music. EJ

17-02-13, 19:13
EJ you have just made me realise about pain killers. I always seem to get more anxious if I take NSAIDs and I have taken them the last few nights. I think maybe I should stick with paracetamol. My dad, bless him (he is 83) has spoken to my daughter and when Granddad speaks they do as they are told!! She has sorted the things and found space for most of it and has left a box in my dad's loft.
The storage problem is all 3 of mine have been to uni left a lot of their belongings here and moved to different places. They don't want to throw it out but don't want it storing in their houses!
I think I will go up to bed to watch 'Call the Midwife' Tomorrow is another day..maybe it will be better :)

17-02-13, 19:28
It could be the NSAIDs that are contributing to your anxiety. Are you taking diclofenac? EJ

17-02-13, 19:51
It could be the NSAIDs that are contributing to your anxiety. Are you taking diclofenac? EJ

Not now but I was when I fractured my foot and that is when my anxiety went out of control again.

17-02-13, 21:09
Hi Annie

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling to good at the moment. Take this week as an opportunity to relax and feel proud of what you have achieved Hun:). Your kitten will be fine, maybe just a little groggy.

Big hugs xx

17-02-13, 21:14
He is snuggled up next to me in bed :)

Bless him he doesn't know what he has coming to him :)

17-02-13, 21:31
Awwww cute pic.....:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

oh dear Annie, wot r we to do? I've been so positive lately, but I think it's totally understandable how you feel . Also u r so kind to everyone here, I think it's the least we can do to let you have a rant! :curse::curse::curse::curse:The number of times you've calmed us all down..... Now we can do kind things for you. :bighug::grouphug:

Hmmmm, yeah your kitty has no idea. Sort of funny but not.....:scared11::scared11::scared11:

Oh, I think your daughter should have been grateful for you taking the stuff over. I had stuff in my parents lift, when they asked me to move it, I had an 800 mile round trip.but I t was their house and as such, they have every right to ask any of us children to move our stuff out if its in the way! U did right. Good on you and good on granddad too.

17-02-13, 21:41
Thank you Tessar...Just to end the night with the last straw for me..Ryuu just fell off the bed and used my arm to save himself..hanging totally with his claws in my arm!!!:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::weep::weep::w eep::weep:
I will admit..yes I cried :weep::weep::weep:

17-02-13, 21:57
Ooh yuk kermis! I keep getting scratches off our cat, I'm too slow when we are playing!
Oh this will cheer u up...... I got her some dried catnip & wafted the bag under her nose. She went mental, grabbed my hand &started biting me -this was beforei'd even opened the bag! Luckily my partner was there to get her claws out.....but then I had to laugh as the cat started to bite her instead!
I out catnip in the scratching post and I have never seen a cat go so crazy! She was biting it, licking it, drooling. It was really hilarious.

17-02-13, 21:58
Ohhhh no Annie, poor you gosh enough is enough! I've had an horrific wk end, hubby redundant Friday and his brother hiding a very very very serious illness for well over a year! I just broke down last night! I don't even have to leave my front door without something going wrong! My mums at me as always shes always bullied me even ipas an adult nd my hubby dislikes her for this SO the she's getting the. Getting face on because yesterday I didn't text back! NOW in light of what's gone off I felt like ripping her head off! So I texted exact details of the events of this weekend earlier, to make her think and stop being soooo bloody selfish! FOR F*** sake I'm soooooo soooooo peed off!

17-02-13, 22:02
One of my neighbours bought my cats catnip filled mice for Christmas and they went mad with them :w00t2::w00t2::w00t2::w00t2::w00t2::madness::madne ss::madness::madness::madness::madness::scared11:: scared11::scared11::scared11::scared11:

---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

Aww Col I am so sorry to hear that :( Everything seems to happen at once Sending you :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::b ighug::bighug:

17-02-13, 22:17
oh Annie I am sorry your feeling blue :bighug1: your the little ray of sunshine on the general Aniexty forum and I love your posts encouraging others. Mum to all the GAD sufferers. your being perfectly reasonable with your daughter don't doubt yourself. Has to be tough having an empty nest. keep smiling and being the wonderful supportive person you are here are extra hugs Hannah:bighug1: x x

17-02-13, 22:23
Thank you Hannah, that is lovely of you xx

18-02-13, 09:09
I didn't sleep until 3 am last night so exhausted this morning. Took my kitten to the vets and he really tugged at my heart strings by crying so pitifully which set me. I sobbed in the vets when I left him and cried all the way home! Going back to bed to see if I can get at least another hours sleep.

18-02-13, 10:15
Ahh Annie, sorry you've had such a horrible few days! Your kitten is adorable, is he siamese? My 2 are just common and garden moggies but I love them to death. My old lady (16) has just had to go in for blood tests and I cried when I picked her up and saw her little bald leg.

But that just means we are loving, caring people and I would rather have it that way than not have a heart. He will be fine, the little sweetie.

Hope you manage to get some sleep and that today gets better for you :hugs:

18-02-13, 11:09
Thank you Sunshine. Yes he is Siamese and the 2 year old in my profile pic is a Silver Bengal/Siamese cross. The vet has phoned me to say he has already had his op and is recovering from the anesthetic. They have to keep him there until 3pm though. My other cat is wandering round the house looking for his little brother.

18-02-13, 16:45
They are fab cats best medicine. I was always a dog person. But a little half Persian rescue simba my mini lion king adopted me last year. we helped heal each other. couldn't sleep without him purring on the pillow next to me. I would be a blubbing mess leaving him at the vets. But I bet your baby gets cuddles and treats tonight. poor Annie a crappy few days. I told my doctors they need to invent a human version for feliway ! oh for a cats life x x

18-02-13, 16:49
My little kitten is home and happy and chasing his big brother all over the house! I cooked some fish for him coming home :D

18-02-13, 16:54
So pleased for you. EJ xxx

18-02-13, 16:58
:yahoo: finally something time smile about :yesyes: knew you would spoil him :yahoo: x x

18-02-13, 17:02
I have decided that when I see my doctor again on Thursday I am going to ask for another sick note. I have some big decisions to make about work. x

---------- Post added at 17:02 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------

:yahoo: finally something time smile about :yesyes: knew you would spoil him :yahoo: x x

I always spoil them :) My daughter said that now they have left home, I am replacing children with cats :roflmao:

18-02-13, 19:08
I just saw this on facebook it made me laugh after my kitten has just had it done :D


18-02-13, 21:42
Hi Annie,
My internet has been on and off for two days so only just catching up.
I am sorry you are feeling down this week with everything going all to pot.
I do sympathize with your back problem and ibs,i am same.
We have had the week from he-- here,and I think stress seems to make
ailments worse. I take co-codomol for my back pain and they help with
sleep with my sleeping tablets. The painkillers make me constipated its
no win situation. Hope you improve and get things sorted out next
week at work:hugs:LOVE YOUR PCTURE. something to make me smilexx

18-02-13, 21:57
Hi Magic, sorry you are having a bad week too. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-02-13, 22:03
Hi Anne

Been reading your thread, and thought you were brilliant going back to work feeling like you did a few days before.

I'm 55 and finished work 5 years, on and off anxiety for years. So the chance came for me to get out and to be honest I was so glad that it did. I couldn't go on any longer putting myself through all the symptoms I was getting daily. So the past 17 months I have been under the MH team and on was which I think I deserve for 39years working so do not feel guilty.

What you need to think about is YOU and your health so go back to doc's on Thursday and think about yourself.

18-02-13, 22:06
Thank you clio51..My husband has been telling me to leave for some time now and I know I need to put my health first x

18-02-13, 22:08
I love the picture too. Bertie my kitten will need to be neutered too. We have told that he needs to be six months old and they will microchip at the same time. How old was your little kitten Annie? EJ

18-02-13, 22:12
Mine was 5 months on 15th Feb and he was microchipped about 4 weeks ago

19-02-13, 02:10
aw sorry you've not been feeling well : ( I've no idea what pain meds you are on, but some can ease anxiety too, although I think most of them can be additive.
When you're in pain it's easy to be negative, tired, feel impatient and so on, it can help if you catch your self being negative and try to think of or imagine something happy/positive.

That's so nice you microcipped your cat! It's one the best things you can do, I don't know why more people don't do it! I had my cat microchipped when i had her neutered.

If you can take time off work, then maybe you should, your health both mental and physical is most important.

19-02-13, 11:57
Feeling more positive about things today and thinking about the way forward for me :) I had a better nights sleep last night. Going to call my physio about my back pain.

19-02-13, 13:33
Hi Annie

Glad you feeling better today, do you have any back exercises you can do? Because that's what physio will give you to do. Google it back exercises.

I know what it's like having no sleep most of my night's are like this if I don't take zopiclone. I have been doing exercises for my leg it aching like mad and on venlafaxine and maybe be other you can't take ibuprofen so only gel to rub in. Pain brings you right down.