View Full Version : Stomach problems, please help!

17-02-13, 18:08
Hi all, sorry if this is TMI but over the weekend I've started with problems in my bowels that I've never experienced before and im getting really freaked out and need help!

On Friday I was fine all day until the afternoon about 10 mins before I had to go see my nan I started with cramping pains and really horrible flatulence (sorry if TMI!) I was in a mad panic and had to come home quickly where I had to use the loo for the second time (I only usually go once a day) and after this everything seemed ok. Saturday was ok up until about 9:00pm last night when my mum went out for the night and I started with cramps again, pain, bloating, flatulence, gurgling in bowels etc and also the pressure in my lower back that's associated with constipation (even though I had been to the toilet fine earlier in the day) I thought I was coming down with a stomach bug and got in such a state. I hate being alone it bring on anxiety for me and also earlier in the day I received a letter for my first CBT appointment which is on Thursday! I had a panic about that and got into a state where I was crying. I mention all this because I'm wondering if my symptoms have been brought on by stress? Is it IBS? I've had the same symptoms all day today too and have barely slept. My mum has IBS and I've had troublesome bowels before but never like this. Please help.

17-02-13, 18:15
I have suffered from IBS for years but this weekend it got so bad it scared me and I went to the urgent care centre and yes it was ibs again although I think I had also strained my back at work making it feel even worse. It does sound very much like ibs symptoms that you have.

17-02-13, 20:07
Try not to worry too much about your CBT. I was very anxious when I first went too, but it ended up being the best thing I ever did. I really clicked with my CBT counsellor and you'll probably find they're very understanding. I hope you feel better soon.

18-02-13, 18:41
I have suffered from IBS for years but this weekend it got so bad it scared me and I went to the urgent care centre and yes it was ibs again although I think I had also strained my back at work making it feel even worse. It does sound very much like ibs symptoms that you have.

Thanks Annie, it helps with the anxiety but still not nice to know I have something else to contend with :( That sounds like such a nightmare, I hope you feel better now!

Try not to worry too much about your CBT. I was very anxious when I first went too, but it ended up being the best thing I ever did. I really clicked with my CBT counsellor and you'll probably find they're very understanding. I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks Murdock, I've done CBT before and was really nervous the first time too but this time just feels so much worse, I don't know if I'm going to make it or not right now :(