View Full Version : Flying with a cold and chesty cough

18-02-13, 09:47
Hi I posted last week worrying about a rattling cough. I had bad flu over the new year which resulted in in chest infection which cleared up with antibiotics. I am now working with children again after bringing up my own and seem to be getting every cold etc. Anyway last week I got a terrible cold and cough and eventually went back to the doctors who said, i had a chest infection but she wanted me to fight it as my immune system was a bit low after flu. She said come back next week if it is worse...... here is my worries....

I am flying on holiday in two days for a few days with my lovely family, we didn't get a break last year so it will be lovely, but all I am worried about is my cold/cough. It hasn't got anyworse but is a bit more chesty and I have a cold too, I don't have a temperature and dont feel REALLY ill, just a chesty cold. I have tried to get a doctors appointment but they are full today.... I am ruining my familiys excitment of a short holiday as I am worried about flying..... is it pleuracy, bad chest infection, will I get pain from flying with a cold, will my lungs burst on the plane if they have fluid in, will my ear drums burst..... I really need a break, but is it ok to fly with a cold?????? Why can't I just relax, enjoy the break and hope the warm weather will clear the cold up??? I hate this health anxiety :(

18-02-13, 10:01
Hi i flew once when i had bad bronchitis and i was absolutely fine and the warm weather really helped clear it up, can you not get an emergency doc appointment? If not Im sure you will be fine, hope you have a great time x x

18-02-13, 12:16
Hi Nicola, I tried to get an emergency appointment but couldn't. Really want to relax and enjoy the break, just hope its ok to fly and wont do me any harm! Surely people fly all the time with bad colds and coughs! :(

18-02-13, 12:26
You'll be fine. I fly a lot and the only time I have been in any discomfort is when I had a bad ear infection- landing and taking off was a bit painful for a few seconds.But that was specific to that particular complaint and it really was bearable. It didn't make my ear infection any worse, my eardrum didn't burst and there was no lasting pain, it was just fleeting.

By all means get a docs appointment if it will reassure you but you will be fine to fly. Now go and enjoy the build-up to your holiday and then the holiday itself. There's nothing to worry about xxx

18-02-13, 12:34
Oh thank you, yes I will try and relax. Obviously if I had any severe symptons I would obviously go to the doctors, but I really will try and enjoy myself. Health anxiety really is horrid! I did do the unthinkable and google flying with a cold. First time I have google health issues for years, but even that didn't bring up anything so that made me realise if even google doesn't point to death then maybe I shouldn't worry LOL. :)

18-02-13, 13:12
I have HA too and whilst I am fine and rational giving advice to others, I can't seem to apply it to myself, so I know how you are feeling, Sazzie.

And yes, you may be the only person in the history of HA who was actually reassured by Googling a health problem! xx