View Full Version : Why breathing properly is so important.

18-02-13, 10:40
Most of you probably already know this, but for those of you who don't..

My doctor told me that when we take time to breathe properly and try to imagine the tension dropping away, the calming signals go straight the part of the brain that deals with the fight or flight responses (i.e. anxiety symptoms), which is completely separate to the thinking part of the brain. So even if our minds are going crazy and we think breathing won't help, it really really does!

I have found this understanding really helpful because before I knew this I was like "I think I have cancer, breathing won't help!" But since I've taken the time to breathe, my body is that little bit calmer, which in turn makes my mind that little bit calmer too.

Take care everyone.

18-02-13, 13:17
For a lot of people, breathing exercises are very helpful!

Unfortunately for me, I have a lot of anxiety about my breathing so focussing on it makes me massively panic. I cannot do any breathing exercises without getting really anxious, so it completely negates the exercise!

18-02-13, 17:22
That sucks! What helps you with your anxiety?

18-02-13, 18:15
I wish I had a good answer haha! Laying on my tummy under the duvet and going on the chat here is the best solution but obviously not possible most of the time. I check my pulse a lot but I know that's a safety behavior and not helpful in the long run. I wish I had better options for when I'm in public but usually I just try to hide it and keep going.

18-02-13, 18:23
I can also relate to that. I try and do various breathing exercises but my mind wanders most of the time from one thing to another and then my breathing goes out of zinc. I get days when I hyperventilate all day long and others when i am calmer and therefore the exercises become easier.
I often wander if it is me or that i just lack willpower.