View Full Version : Alcohol

18-02-13, 15:31
I have been turning to alcohol for a long tme to numb the anxiety nd physica feelings I get which I rpesume are anxiety it mkes me feel good for a while but mkes my heart beat hard and sweat and stuff but i think im dong permanent damage ive been getting pains in my head, weird skin, my heeart feels awful so many palpitation exhausted feel like I'm dying :( help me cant reall wlk wihtout feeling very faint think very bd hangover and anxiety or cancer or something.

18-02-13, 15:49
If you're hungover at the moment you'll definitely feel like death especially if you are on medication but it's probably just a passing anxious feeling. If the symptoms persist in the absence of alcohol then definitely see a doctor. In fact see a doctor anyway as alcohol dependency is bad for you and certainly for anxiety. I must admit I turn to alcohol sometimes as it numbs my anxiety but if you let the alcohol rule your life you'll never get better. I hope this helps :).

18-02-13, 16:00
It's definitely not a good idea to self medicate,I should no,I was alcoholic for 9 years as I did the same,I'm 31,and lost everything threw drink,including my 4 children,I'm 7 months sober and fighting to get my kids back,I still suffer with the anxiety,panic attacks and phobias,alcohol is a depressant and magnifies anxiety and panic,it only a short term fix,but could turn into a life time problem very easy:hugs:

18-02-13, 16:01
There are some useful websites as well which explain how hangovers interact with anxiety but I can't post them as my 'post count' has to be greater than 10. Just google anxiety and hangover's and you'll find all the help and explanations you need.

18-02-13, 16:05
I often do the same with alcohol, even though I know it's not healthy. It's just nice to get a bit of relief sometimes.

Like you, it makes my heart pound and palpitate like crazy after I drink, so for a while I cut out alcohol completely. I'm going to try and do that again because I worry I'm doing long-term damage to my heart. Rest assured, it's probably nothing serious, but it's worth speaking to your GP about finding a healthier outlet.

Best wishes to you. :hugs: