View Full Version : Head injury question!!!

18-02-13, 16:14
So on Saturday night I got dropped on my head by my mate when was wrestling. Yes I was drunk haha. But when it happend it hurt and I've got lump on top of my head. I was seeing stars but was drunk so went home was fine. Went out all day yesterday with a mate had few drinks I was fine but today my heads hurting and I keep getting little spells of dizziness? It's not bad but it's just like a small headache....Will I be ok? Should I go to ane or just rest? Thanks! X

18-02-13, 19:27
I remember reading lumps are a good thing! Don't know why but it did calm me down after I hit my head n got a big lump.
I dunno if you're dizzy n having a headache I would go to a walk in clinic or ER for a check up.
Simply because its the thing to do. More than likely you're hung over n maybe dehydrated.
But you always need to be careful with any head injuries.
Actually call up nurse line? I'm not sure if you have one, it's where you can ring and talk to a nurse for adivce.

18-02-13, 21:57
I rang nhs direct they advised me to go to AnE department. So I'm here waiting now :/ going to be a long night I'm afraid.