View Full Version : Smear Test first one

18-02-13, 16:58
Well I am booked in for my first ever smear test on Wednesday and don't know if I dare do it. I'm 32 and put it off for years but Dr wants to me to have one after an ultrasound showed an enlarged cervix. I saw her 2 weeks ago and she did an internal and used a speculum to look at my cervix.

Will it be any worse than any of that? It's the pain fear that is bothering me nothing else. I am scared it will hurt, scared the brush touching my cervix will be painful. I've read so many horror stories googling that I've got myself worked up and not sure if i can do it. When Dr looked at my cervix a couple of weeks ago I was ok as had no warning just did it but this I've had weeks to work myself up.

Worried about the results too as I have had bad lower back pain and lower tummy pain with leg pain for months. Dr suspected cyst which is why I went for an ultrasound but all clear.

18-02-13, 17:00
I have regular smear tests and I have never found them to be painful and I have a very low pain threshold. They do feel quite uncomfortable but not painful. x

18-02-13, 17:35
im 32 too, i put mine off for years, had my first one at 29!! as i thought i had cervical cancer too!!! damn health anxiety!! i hate things like that, but its 100% honestly ok!! really!! i even went back for a second last year!! get me!! lol. so if it had been bad i wouldnt have!! ha! seriously its not worth worrying about at all!! then i got the all clear, and symptoms went!! xx

18-02-13, 17:42
This is my current anxiety, not the actual smear test but having cervical cancer. I only had a smear (my first one) a year ago but my doc has agreed to let me have another to calm my anxiety. It really isn't that bad and only a little uncomfortable, plus it's over really quickly X

18-02-13, 17:43
At 53 I have had many done. I always had them yearly since I was 18 till this last year. Uncomfortable but not ever painful. When I was younger I hardly felt anything. I think you will be absolutely fine, just try to relax as best you can at the time and until then too. :)

18-02-13, 17:53
hi, smear tests are not painful at all and they can save your life. They probably saved mine as I had severely precancerous cells removed aged 26. NEVER put off going for a smear or any other kind of screening... the government invests in it for a reason - to save lives.

18-02-13, 18:24
Thank you so much for all the replies :)

I guess it's just the fear of the unknown then worrying if it finds something as worry I have symptoms.

I am a wimp when it comes to pain and any medical treatments so I just hope I can grit my teeth and get through it. Worse as appointment not till 2.45pm so all day to work myself up.

18-02-13, 19:49
hi cat80, honestly you have nothing to worry about. IMO it's less unfortable than an internal and over in approx 60 seconds. The worst bit is lying there beforehand. Nothing to fear at all, R x

18-02-13, 20:06
Thank you, I'll probably be back Wednesday saying omg all that worry for what?! I hope so anyway x

19-02-13, 10:24
Silly question maybe but can I have a smear test with thrush? Will it effect the result or make painful?

Woke up this morning and scratching red raw again, I keep getting thrush and have only just had cream from the drs for it and now I've got it again.

19-02-13, 12:45
yes you can. It won't affect the results and hasn't made it worse for me. thrush is way worse than a smear xxx

19-02-13, 13:13
Thank you, was just worried it would make the smear painful rather than uncomfortable as a bit raw down there. Pain thing is what I am most worried about :blush:

19-02-13, 13:39
Honestly... its so pain-less - just quite undignified! I'm having my smear on Friday - have to have them every year.

19-02-13, 14:26
It is much less uncomfortable than when they put the speculum in!!!!

19-02-13, 16:08
So I shouldn't worry about the smear hurting?

The plastic speculum only stung slightly on opening last time I had an internal

19-02-13, 19:21
You shouldn't worry at all. It has never hurt me and only lasts a second anyway

19-02-13, 19:25
Thank you, hope I sleep tonight!! Such a worrier lol

miss diagnosis
20-02-13, 10:03
everyone dreads the smear but it takes about 30 seconds and doesnt hurt at all.tell the nurse you are nervous and she will use a smaller speculum:)

20-02-13, 10:12
i can't tell you personally what it feels like because I am missing some vital equipment, but my wife says it doesn't hurt, but it's more of an inconvenience if anything.

20-02-13, 11:44
Thank you everyone, barely slept last night as feeling sick for later :weep:

Lol Justin, tell your wife thank you :winks:

24-02-13, 20:27
Well I got through my smear test, bit of an event :blush:

First the nurse couldn't see my cervix, she tried twice, so she got her colleague in to try and she found it straight away with me in a different position (legs flopped to the side). Hurt slightly, won't lie, only first time it went in as I was tense, didn't hurt going in as loads of lube but did slightly when opened but bearable and quickly over. Ask for a small speculum if you have anxiety like I did as much easier.

A lot of people wonder what the sample being taken feels like, not much really. I didn't even know she was doing it till she said, 3, 4, 5! Then it was done! No bleeding, no nothing after it was done, so anyone who is nervous of a smear don't be, I am the biggest wimp and it's took me 7 years of being offered to pluck up courage and nowhere near as bad as I'd worked myself up to it being.

Just waiting for results now, hope all normal.

24-02-13, 22:04
Sure your results will be fine, I just received my letter from my latest one saying results were normal, phew :)

25-02-13, 10:33
Oh great news :)

Should know mine in the next week hopefully :)

16-03-13, 07:08
nurse couldnt find my cerivix last time either, she tried like 7 times, was quite painfull. !! lol xxx she said the cervix is always moving????

16-03-13, 08:26
Hi, Excellent! so glad you did it!!

Really glad you've posted your experience -hopefully it will reassure others who are afraid of it.
