View Full Version : CBT - Scared

18-02-13, 18:55
Hi all, I've posted briefly about this the other day but I need some help.
I received my appointment letter on Saturday morning for my first CBT session, the appointment is this Thursday!!

The minute I saw the letter I just knew what it was about and my heart sank, I felt sick. I've been so worried ever since and have had really awful stomach cramps/problems that I've never had before, something I think has been caused by the stress of the letter. I was so upset about the letter that on Saturday I actually burst out crying, I haven't cried about my anxiety in a long time but then again I've tried not to think about it.

I've been in the comfort and safety of my home now for the past 2 years since I quit college and now I'm so scared to go back out and start something like this again (I've done CBT in the past, it lasted well over a year). I suppose I've buried my head in the sand.

I've always got nervous about things days/weeks before the event but I've never had problems with my bowels like I have this weekend which just makes my anxiety about going ten times worse! Last time I went to CBT I did have other stuff going on like school and potentially college but now I've not done anything for 2 years it just feels too much for me to handle. Plus it's now with the adult services that I've never dealt with (all my therapy has happened as a teenager so with child services).

I guess I'm just looking for help, I really don't think I can face it this time.
I've been toying with the idea of medication and even though I'm terrified of this option I think it's what I need to keep me calm enough to deal with therapy and to keep my physical symptoms at bay.

I'm thinking of cancelling the appointment and going back to my GP to discuss this, but I'm terrified of either option.

I just don't know what to do anymore, I can't handle this fear :(

18-02-13, 19:14
Don't be scared.

I had CBT with a Psychologist a couple of years ago, the lady I saw always made me feel completely relaxed and at ease.

I have also had experience with the children's mental health services, as my son had CBT with them when he was younger.

In my opinion it gets easier with age, you understand what they are talking about and it is easier to build up a professional relationship with your counsellor.

Go for it, you have nothing to loose and an awful lot to gain.

18-02-13, 19:15
The therapy is there to help you, remember you want to get better!
Don't sabotage yourself, if you don't try anything new, nothing will ever change.

Seriously start getting angry with the anxiety, you can't let it win.
If you can't do it today you'll never do it, that's one thing with anxiety, you put things off, sure putting things off makes you feel better for a while, but in the long term it makes you worse.
You can't keep waiting for a day where you feel ok enough to try it

You're going to have to experience some anxiety in order to get better, once you get to therapy it really won't be as bad as what you feared.

You need to figure out if you want to change, no one ever feels ready, but you need to want to get better. You need to look at what are you afraid of? What are you really avoiding by not going to therapy?

I think you should go, panic attacks and all! Bring someone with you, a bottle of water some gum. . Tell the therpist you're nervous, I'm sure they will help you relax and the first day you usually just talk about the therapy, what happens, maybe fill out some question sheets.

At least go to the first appointment. Just because you're anxious thinking about in no way means you'll be anxious when you get there.

Don't imagine the worst, remember therapy is for you! It helps you help your self.

Don't let the anxiety decide what you want or don't want.