View Full Version : New to the forum :) Hello

18-02-13, 23:46

Just thought I'd post an introduction about myself as it seems like the first thing to do! My name is Shaunna and I'm 21, I'm a university student studying Psychology in my final year and I'm also a trainee embalmer. This results in a lot of my training career being surrounded by death, which may or may not add to my anxieties :unsure:

I came across this site and the forums while Googling how long tonsillitis can last for and whether it's normal to experience neck pain with it. I was told yesterday I have this after visiting the doc with very sore throat, swollen glands, fluey symptoms and neck ache, but I considered the neck pain to be abnormal and was convinced I had meningitis. I was told I have tonsillitis and probably muscular strain (lol)

This is a huge habit of mine. I have extreme health anxiety, I have since I was very young but it seemed to get rapidly worse last month when I developed a water infection and was given antibiotics which gave me various side effects which I completely blew out of proportion and was convinced I had many different fatal illnesses including brain cancer, septicaemia and so on... This excessive worry resulted in 3 weeks of solid panic, I lost my appetite completely and lost lots of weight. I seemed to improve after a few weeks and have been okay until the past few days in which I've had tonsillitis symptoms.. it seems to be that whenever I am ill now, regardless how minor it is, I am absolutely convinced that it is something deadly.

I know it sounds silly and it's likely irrational, but my mind is seriously convinced about it every time. I am so convinced that I will die when I experience any symptoms that I have resorted to writing letters to family regarding my funeral arrangements (not in a suicidal way, more convinced that I'm dying). I just felt 'strange' recently for days and ended up taking myself to the local A&E, convinced I had symptoms of a brain tumour, and I was told that my symptoms are due to anxiety and the only thing that was wrong with me is that I was underweight (anxiety induced).

It's awful having this control my life and to be always thinking that I'm suffering from a fatal illness.. You name it, I think I've had/got it. As I mentioned earlier, I'm training to be an embalmer, so I study a lot to do with different diseases and see how people die frequently, and seem to 'pick up ideas' from this (as my mother tells me). I'm driving my family and my boyfriend crazy with panic attacks and constant talking about my symptoms and regularly demanding to be taken to hospital.

My doctor has prescribed me 10mg of Citalopram daily for anxiety (which I was on when I was 17-19 years old for depression) which I can't really decide whether it's helping yet.. I've never been on any other medication for anxiety.

Well, apologies for the essay, but it's really good to know that I'm not the only person who suffers from this, and it's awful to see some of the posts on here where people don't have much support in their daily lives :( I wouldn't wish this on anybody. But like anything else, I suppose it's taking it one day at a time and getting through it!

Thanks if you're reading, happy to hear from anybody!


18-02-13, 23:56
Hiya :welcome:..yes this is an amazing site,I'm relatively new and in a weird way it's comforting to no I'm not the only one suffering,I suffer with anxiety,panic attacks,social anxiety and agarophobia ,there is some amazing people on here and no matter what time of day it is there is always someone to talk to,giving friendly advice and willing to give you there time,hope you enjoy the site x x

18-02-13, 23:56
Hi shaunnajadelle

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-02-13, 01:44
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.

19-02-13, 08:06
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


19-02-13, 12:15
Thanks for the replies everyone :) x

19-02-13, 13:23
hello and welcome - I have been off work with anxiety and depression for 3 years now and I take sertraline and respiridone both of which I believe are just starting to help. I just couldn't cope with work and the personalities I was clashing with. I won't be going back there anytime soon, a lot of it is too do with trying to compensate for graduating with a very poor degree in electronics - I just don't want to do it anymore, I'll do something else when I have fully recovered from the anxiety and depression. I have this to be a really good site with great support from many people who are suffering with the same symptons so I hope you find the support you need.

19-02-13, 17:29

Nothing worse than not enjoying what you're studying, you just end up with no motivation for it. I don't enjoy my psychology degree, just finishing my dissertation at the minute.

Yes it looks like a very good site, I was starting to think I was the only one lol