View Full Version : Something new when you're feeling better !!!

19-02-13, 06:05
So, I've been doing so well.. actually smiling and not worrying. and Bang something new pops up, It's as if my body is trolling my mind into HA!

Please, if anyone could give their advise on this new thing that's comes up. I'd appreciate it. Can't get into the Doctors for another two days..

Today I woke up with a feeling of something stuck in my mouth, couldn't find it on the roof.. Felt like its kind of lodged in the back of my throat. I finally feel the back of my tongue, Right at the back our of view of any torchlight or mirror I can shove done there. I have a feeling it's one of those tastebuds? on the back of our tongues. Why am I suddenly choking on one! Is something growing back there? I can't even see it!

Back to worrying, yay. :roflmao:

Edit: So I've just felt around all along the back of my tongue, n it feels nasty back there ! what the hell is growing back there ?!

19-02-13, 07:32
I do feel for you, as I'm going through the same (not symptoms, but was doing well then bang! Feels like you're back to square one).

For words of comfort, nothing sinister grows that fast over night, so chances are you've got an inflamed throat. And bear in mind that because it's a relatively small space, even the smallest inflammation will feel huge! Try not to poke around too much as that can make the sweeling worse. Maybe take ibuprofen if you are able to as it's and anti inflammatory.

Please try to remember the times when you were happy and care-free(ish!) because you've been there once, and will get back there again. You just have to ride this out first. x

19-02-13, 07:50
Thanks for the kind words :)

Stupidly, I googled what I'm feeling.. but turns out google put me as ease (Wow, that's a first.)

Turns out I might be experiencing enlarged circumvallate papillae, another new word I've learnt being a worrier! Wow, I should be a Doctor after this bout of HA! haha.

I probably should stop feeling back there though, It's making me gag. Strange thing is it all feels the same but, the right side feels like I have furball stuck in my throat or something. No pain, just an annoying feeling.. like when you have a bit of popcorn stuck in your throat or something.

Any one have any experience with this ? and how to make it subside ?

oh no_1
19-02-13, 08:10
i was doing well and went beyond back to square one and to the worst i ever been
and now im getting good again, been long long joyrney and still is... i had to learn that this was part of me and had to live with it rather than try and fight it and i just accept that it is part of me and it makes us stronger.