View Full Version : Still feeling anxious :(

Miss lexx
19-02-13, 11:53
Hi All

Well I've been on citalopram for about 5 weeks now and I did think I was starting to feel better but for the last week I've been feeling more anxious again. The doctor put my on 20mg following a panic attack which coursed depersonalization which freaked me out. It's hard because I have a few days where I feel ok and then I get this overwhelming feeling of dread and then I start to feel detatched again.

I am now 35 weeks pregnant and i have 3 children and the doctor wants me to drop to 10mg 2 weeks before my due date which I am a little concerned about. I find it really hard to switch off my thoughts and I seem to constantly think that I will end up going crazy and completely lose who I am. My emotions feel very dull at the moment and this too scares me. Is there anyone who has similar worries or symptoms that have advice on how they cope. Would be very grateful thank you.. Sorry for the long post.. Xx