View Full Version : why do i get scared when feeling ill?

19-02-13, 12:11
hi ive got a cold and sore throat and its making me really anxuiose as i get so scared of getting ill is there any advice any one has to try and over come this thks

19-02-13, 13:51
Hi Tricia, for some of us health problems are just a trigger for anxiety. My doctor explained to me that if your stress levels are generally high, then when you get sick they can bump up to a level that's uncomfortable and makes you feel anxious. Even something as small as a cold can make you feel bad because it's naturally stressful, and it just builds on to the stress you've already been feeling.

The key is to work to bring your stress levels down, so then you can handle having a cold when it comes along.

It might be good for you to sit and think about why you feel the way you do when you're sick. Or even better discuss it with a counsellor. What's the fear at the root of it and how can you address it in your life.

Hope you're feeling better soon x