View Full Version : Burning?

19-02-13, 12:39
Anybody get burning feeling in their scalp?
This started the same time as the vertigo started. It's not there every day but most. When I go to bed and I lay down I can feel it in the same place and I have it today. I wish it would all just go away. I thought getting my bloods back and being fine I would perk up. But how can you when you feel all these symptoms every day. I wish I could get out of my head there is something going like a tumour or ms.

19-02-13, 13:31

I get it alot, so does my mum and my sister. It is the nerve endings in your scalp, happens sometimes when I get a cold, my vertigo is playing up, when I am anxious, when I am ill. Think it is called something called neuralga (not sure how to spell it). It is nothing to worry about. I also get it if I tie my hair up.

Hope that helps.


19-02-13, 13:40
I've gotten that too zippy, it's weird but I put it down to the vertigo stuff. The inner ear can be quite a tricky thing, it causes so many weird sensations! Actually I believe my vertigo may be caused by TMJ, and I know that a sensitive scalp can be explained by the TMJ inflammation. This is self diagnosed though lol, I'm gong to see an ENT in the next few months & I hope that they will help me out with it.

19-02-13, 14:13
I have tmj and wear a bottom splint 24/7 for 2 years and have been doing fine until I started with all these new symptoms so if it's tmj I don't know why it would be ok and then all of a sudden set vertigo, headaches, pressure and burning sensations off.

19-02-13, 14:24
I don't know much about TMJ so I'm afraid I can't really offer much advice. Might be good to talk to your doctor or dentist about it? I know the problems you mention can be associated with TMJ, but that's not to say that's what is happening to you.

I know from reading about TMJ that a lot of people seem to suffer it in episodes, and they can often be triggered by stress. So perhaps it's worth exploring the idea that anxiety may be triggering some TMJ symptoms for you?

19-02-13, 14:42
Doctors and nhs dentists dont know much about tmj, I had to go private for my splint etc.