View Full Version : Cervical cancer worry

19-02-13, 16:43
Basically i've had some bleeding during sex in the past then last week it happened again. I went to see my gp who looked at my cervix and done swabs i told her of my concern and she said my cervix looked fine and my last smear test (2 years ago this april) was normal so its unlikey. I'm still worried that its cancer though. I get married in may and cant even enjoy planning the wedding as i'm so scared. My fiance said it was probably because we were rough but i dont know

19-02-13, 16:53
Doctors usually can tell by looking at your cervix so I wouldn't worry about it. Congratulations on your wedding in May...Enjoy the planning :)

19-02-13, 16:56
Hiya try not to worry I've had alot of female issues since 16 I used to bleed all the while after sex it turned out I had a tilted womb and had a operation in 2000 sex sometimes still hurts and I get alot of pain down there I had a laparoscopy to see if I had endometriosis but wasn't anything going in at the time u could have a cyst or anything don't worry ask your doctor to refer you to gyne x

19-02-13, 17:08
I was at the gynaecologist 16 months ago for the same reason. And he actually felt everything and said it all felt fine. I have also been for an ultrasound to check for cysts and there was nothing there either. I dont bleed all the time. I thought at first it could be that my fiance was going quite deep and we also dont use lubrication or sometimes i'm still a bit dry down there.