View Full Version : feel kind of manic or something :(

19-02-13, 16:47
I was just wondering if anyone else gets this. I am feeling pretty anxious right now. I guess I feel kind of manic. Like almost jolted with anxiety. I feel on edge and like I am on the brink of totally freaking out. My heart is kind of racy. I am nervous that I am maybe bipolar? Or something worse than just anxious. Does anyone else get these feelings? It almost feels as if I drank one of those high caffeinated energy drinks or something. (I dont drink any caffeine) I have never had this, and it is very hard for me to handle. I do not take any meds, I have had anxiety for several years now and have been coping without. Is this just a phase? has anyone else ever had this? Thanks!

19-02-13, 16:54
This is a common feeling with anxiety. Maybe you should ask your GP about medication?

19-02-13, 16:57
I know the feeling you mean, adrenaline will make you feel that way! Heart racing, highly strung, like you can't come down or like you've eaten a load of sugar and washed it all down with 10 cups of coffee lol.

Why don't you work on something to bring you down and reduce those stress levels? Try sitting and breathing for a few minutes, breathe in for 7 counts and out for 11 counts. It will help you to relax again.

Or do you have any of your own techniques that you use?

19-02-13, 16:57
Annie thanks for the reply. I have been avoiding meds b/c I HATE the side effects... and with me it seems my anxiety flares up and then once i am less afraid of the symptoms, it subsides on its own. I have just never felt anything like this... My entire body just feels quite jittery. You have had this with anxiety?

19-02-13, 17:01
Yes I have had this..you just don't know what to do with yourself. Breathing exercises will help. Take a deep breath in slowly, hold it for 4 seconds and let it out very slowly. Keep repeating until you feel more calm.

19-02-13, 17:08
HoneyLove, I will try the breathing... in the past breathing has been helpful, but i almost feel too anxious to breath!!! Usually my anxiety is related to something specific. This feels just like pure raw anxiety. Never felt anything like it. I watched a tv show where a girl had bipolar and I feel like how she was acting during her manic state. But thats the thing, its all feelings. I am not doing anything insane, just sitting at my desk FEELING insane. This message board is a life saver. Its the only one that helps me. Thank you both so much for taking the time to reply to me.

19-02-13, 17:17
I know it's hard, and the terrible thing about all those stress hormones is that they make us hyperaware of what's going on in our bodies, so all the little changes that you're noticing can up your anxiety levels even further, bringing you into that horrible state.

It's difficult, but what you need to do right now is to get moving. Don't sit there in that state, feeling it even more. Start the breathing and focus on your breath, not on how you feel.

If you're at your desk then get up and take a walk, go call someone or chat to a colleague, do anything to take your mind out of the anxiety cycle. It will end, and you're not going crazy x

19-02-13, 17:18
I have felt like I was going insane many times when the anxiety has got so high, it is an awful feeling but it will go.