View Full Version : ok so i read this and im very worried

19-02-13, 18:39
ok i just read this article while searching for fatigue causes

health yahoo .net /articles / heart /photos/ 7-early-warning-signs-of-heart-attack

I have a deep fear im going to suffer a heart attack and have had this for a few years I have had a stress test in 2009 and countless ECG the last one was 3 months ago and was told its fine had my blood work done last month and all was normal I did have high cholesterol for a few years but now its in normal range

I have asked to be refered to a cardioligist but 2 different doctors refused saying there is no need.Since last week i feel extremely fatigued like i have been drugged or something? with hot flushes like my face is burning and pains in my left arm and fingers along with chest pains and feelings as if im going to faint.

I just read that website while looking at fatigue causes and all of them symptoms are what i have clammy hands ect and now im terrified my bodys warning me of an impending heart attack :weep:

my wife doesnt believe me and says its because of my sleep pattern and severe lack of exercise for a number of years, i do sleep erratic like fall asleep at 3am-6am get up at 8am-10am maybe 2 hours in the afternoon but rarely.But this fatigue came on last week AFTER i had a great nights sleep LIKE 8 or 9 hours at a regular time

im really down because its like no one believes me that im having these symptoms and attacks like today walking out in town i felt like i was going to feint came over all weak and hot so ran home but the feeling hasnt gone

what am i to do seriously (im 31 yrs old and male)

19-02-13, 18:43
These all seem to be anxiety symptoms and the more you worry the worse they get. With all the tests you have had it is very unlikely to be heart related. Anxiety causes terrible fatigue and is one of the worst symptoms for me.

19-02-13, 18:47
hi annie i have such a hard time accepting its anxiety why is that? I jus feel so crap right now hot facial flushes chest pains some sudden some constant and like my body is asleep or heavy

i keep thinking alot of people have blocked arterys that go undiagnosed and maybe thats what i have due to doing all the things that causes heart disease like smoking (which i have stopped in the last 2 weeks) no exercise no decent sleep , constant stress to point it gives me chest pains

i mean is it really coincidence that most of them symptoms in that article about warning signs are what i have! but my wife wont take me the hospital saying i have done this before and you were fine but each times im convinced it feels worse or different is that common?

19-02-13, 19:01
It is common. I am the opposite now though...I have had anxiety for so long I blame everything on it. I said to my doctor that I blame everything on my anxiety and what if it isn't? He did blood tests just to check :) Really all the tests you have had would show it. If you had a blocked artery you would know :) My husband has had 2 heart attacks and is now back at work full time :). I know it is not easy but you must try to accept the test results and be reassured by them. You have stopped smoking now, get out and get some fresh air and exercise and focus on positive things.

19-02-13, 19:04
thanks annie for you advice i will try everything i can to take them onboard but you know how anxiety is! i envy you in a way knowing in your mind its anxiety (although of course its not good having it in the first place)

Daisy Sue
19-02-13, 20:10
like today walking out in town i felt like i was going to feint came over all weak and hot so ran home but the feeling hasnt gone

Have a slow read of what you posted above.... if you were really on the verge of fainting, you wouldn't have been able to run home. Same for if you were having a heart attack, or an angina attack.

The biggest hurdle of getting to grips with anxiety is believing that's what you are suffering from, and that it is responsible for all these very physical and scary symptoms.

Believing it is difficult... but this is the area you really have to work on. Find ways of testing yourself (like you did without realising it when you ran home!).... if you feel a physical symptom come on, tell it to get lost in your head, then do something like run upstairs and sort a bedroom drawer out, or change the bedding, or bring some laundry down... occupy yourself.. not just to distract from the thinking/worrying, but also to prove to yourself that nothing is actually happening to you - you can carry on as normal, and the symptoms are purely anxiety-caused.

19-02-13, 20:17
Daisy Sue...change the bedding? bring laundry down? Sort a drawer out? Are you a miracle worker? Fabio is male!!!! If this works I want you to get on the phone and sort my hubby out quick!!:roflmao:

Daisy Sue
19-02-13, 20:31
Daisy Sue...change the bedding? bring laundry down? Sort a drawer out? Are you a miracle worker? Fabio is male!!!! If this works I want you to get on the phone and sort my hubby out quick!!:roflmao:

Well I couldn't think of anything man-ish for him to do... plus it might make his wife very happy with him :winks: