View Full Version : Do you trust GP's you're not familiar with ?

20-02-13, 06:50
So I had to go to another GP today, as my primary Doctor is away.

I've found this lumpy area, right at the very back on the side of my tongue.. Any normal person would not even see this spot. I tried comparing it to the other side, but it's not as lumpy.. So I freaked out and made an app today.

Filled out paperwork, waiting in the waiting room for almost 45 minutes.. not even a minute in with the Dr, I'm already walking out the Door. She mentioned my tonsils were a bit enlarged, no fever.. and the lump doesn't look suspicious it just looks like an irritation. I even asked should I go to a Dentist to be sure ? She said she doesn't think so. Salt water gargles and that's all she said..

Why am I not satisfied ?! Usually I am at ease when I see my GP, but this app didn't cure my worries, at all.
I've been so fixated on Oral cancer lately, It's really bringing me and my studying for uni down.

Sorry for the long post, I just needed to Rant to someone. My girlfriend and Family are getting fed up with this.

20-02-13, 07:27
Im the same. Once I saw a different gp. He barely looked at me and when I left I was in a state. I asked the receptionist if I could chat to the manager and ended up bursting into tears at her. She amended my records and now along the top it sats I need to be seenby Dr...... Only when possible due to long complex health and anxiety issues. I have such trust issues with other drs which isnt good as I freak outif I see a different one :(

Daisy Sue
20-02-13, 09:46
It's not so much that I don't trust doctors I don't know, it's more that I think I will just get the bare minimum/textbook attitude, because they don't know me or my history. To tell every doctor my full history would take me well over the allotted time they give you, so yes I completely understand the feeling of not having a satisfactory consultation.

Did you tell this GP that you have anxiety, and in particular your current health fear?

I'm sure the lumpy thing is absolutely innocent, and the advice you got is probably right, but there should have been more understanding and time for you, so that you felt more reassured when you came out.

20-02-13, 16:22
I've gone to my doctor's surgery so often in the last couple of years that they're all pretty familiar with me :roflmao: Have to laugh or i'd probably cry

20-02-13, 16:58
I definitely feel more at ease with my own doctor (GP) but I often wander if they really understand what mental illness is.I appreciate that they have to prioritise patients but it's very easy for them to prescribe pills and wait for your reaction as they have never been in the situation that we find otherselves in.
The only problem is that many of us go for reassurance with a long list of questions which are always anxiety related and there is always the possibility that there may actually be something wrong and they might just dismiss it. If that is the case I would get another appointment.

20-02-13, 19:02
Just to add at my surgery all my docs have been great with my mental illness which was only diagnosed thanks to one of them really pushing to get me to see a specalist. I personally find that since they know about my health anxiety they're very attentive and understanding. I think i'm very lucky to have the doctors I do