View Full Version : A bit about myself

20-02-13, 16:04
Hi everyone

I am 28 years old and have been suffering from severe anxiety for the past 2 weeks after the break up of a relationship, since this I have realised that I have suffered from anxiety since being a child and suffer from very low self esteem.

I feel that it started as a child as i wasnt "popular" unlike my younger sister, my parents were older than my friends parents and I would constantly worry about them dying earlier, I would beg them to stop smoking so they wouldnt get cancer (20 years later and im still trying).

I constantly worry about my health, if I have a headache I have a brain tumour, I have been to the doctors on and off over the last 4 years with everything you can think of and have been diagnosed with nothing! I find this issue really embarassing as I am a nurse.

I think negatively all the time, this is usually related to either myself or a partner that I am with. Once when an ex boyfriend was 30 mins late from work I convinced myself that he had been killed in an car accident and he returned to find me crying hysterically. During my last relationship I was just waiting for him to end things as I felt that I was not good enough for him and that he would soon realise, and sure enough he did end things, know im left with what ifs?

My low self esteem became worse during a 7 year relationship where i was emotionally abused, looking back I was depressed during this relationship, I would sleep for 12 hours at a time then get up for a couple of hours and go back to bed again. This has improved since i ended things last year which im proud of, but Im still left with low confidence, and the feeling that I will never be enough for somebody.

My friends tell me that I have so much going for me, a good job, own house, nice car, great family and friends, that im beautiful, funny and intelligent yet all i feel is anxiety, worry, panic and at other times numbness. I am finding work difficult, I cant concentrate and feel trapped, in social situations or just going to the shops I feel like everybody is looking at me, and Im starting to try and avoid these situations.

I have seen my GP who has said she feels that I am depressed, and has referred me for online cognitive behavioural therapy but this could take up to 2 weeks!! I was wondering if anyone had any tips for me in the meantime as at times i feel like im going crazy! x

20-02-13, 16:14
Hi Louise_B85

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-02-13, 16:23
Hi Louise
You are not alone. I am so similar. My therapist recommended a book called Overcoming obsessive compulsive disorder by david weald. Its good to have a read to know at least you are not alone and it has good helpful tips and advice

20-02-13, 16:36
hi louise and welcome you are not alone:welcome:

20-02-13, 18:25
Hi Louise. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined. There's plenty of advice and support here. You're not alone. All the best.

26-02-13, 07:01
Hello, welcome to the site.
I feel like I am reading about myself as i can relate to a lot of what you have said. I find the busier I am the less time I have to worry but not always easy. I love exercise and the gym and hope you have something that helps. I have been diagnosed with GAD, genearalised anxiety disorder. I have found the site helpful and informative and hope you do too. If you need advice or to talk please feel free to send me a message. We are here to support you.

26-02-13, 07:55
Hi Louise and welcome to NMP.You'll find lots of help here.

Take care, Fishy

26-02-13, 10:08
Hi Louise,

:welcome: to the forum. You are not alone and will find lots of supportive people here going through the same thing.

Like some of the others have posted, I too can relate to a lot of what you have said. I too suffer from low self esteem - some days it is so bad it takes me three hours to get ready before I will even consider leaving the house, due to issues around my appearance. I also constantly worry about my parents, even more since moving out about two years ago (I am also 28, and my parents are in my mid to late sixties). My parents don't smoke, but my mother has had periods where she has excessively consumed alcohol on a regular basis - not just a few drinks, but to the point she has needed help standing up) and I worry sick about her.

As Wayne says, the best thing you can do is try to keep busy. It is not always easy, but do you have any hobbies? If you can find something you are really passionate about that you can immerse yourself in? I found playing (and latterly listening to) music and attending concerts helped a great deal.

I have been recommended a book called 'The Happiness Trap' by Russ Harris. It is based on a mindfulness approach and covers areas such as anxiety, doubt and insecurity.

As others have said, we are all here to support you :hugs:

Take care,
Catherine x