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View Full Version : So scared about this new symptom. One goes, another pops up! :(

20-02-13, 17:02
Just discovered a grape sized, moveable, sensitive lump towards the front of my neck on the left side. Its below the jaw, directly below the corner of my mouth. Gone into complete panic mode and this new (or maybe its been there a while and I didn't realise??) symptom. Shaking all over and feel so scared it might be cancer. Can't talk, can't eat. Just want to cry but cant because im with my family and its my sisters birthday and I don't want to be a burden. Has anyone else had anything similar?? I don't think I have an infection or anything.. Physically feel other wise fine other than the discomfort/pressure feeling on the left side of my neck between my ear lobe (behind which the lymph node is a little swollen) and this lump. Also my ears feel weird for an hour or so when I get up in the morning. Almost like everything is really loud and a little muffled. But no pain or anything in my ears.

ANY ideas/reassuring words/personal experiences would be greatfully received!

Thanks for listening.

20-02-13, 17:51
I have the same thing, I'm pretty sure it's a lymph node. I wouldn't worry about it, it's suppose to be there. Plus glands get swollen all the time. Even when I don't feel sick my gland under my armpit will swell or in my neck, or my back. Sometimes I will feel sick a couple days later and sometimes I won't bc my body has fought off the infection. You're gonna be fine, it's nothing to worry about!

20-02-13, 18:10
Hey, I have a pea sized lump in the same place, I remember going to the doctor when I was younger and he said it was a lymph node.. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing! I was really worried too :) It gets bigger when I feel ill and it's been there for about 7 years now x

20-02-13, 20:45
I've felt this a few times over the years too (before I suffered from HA, so I didn't lose the plot). Sounds like a lymph node to me too..I wouldn't worry about it at all!

20-02-13, 23:07
Thanks for your replies. It probably seems silly to be so terrified about something like this. Its just that it I've never had a swolen gland in this place before. The kind I normally get when im ill are further to the side of my throat. Also the one behind my ear lobe is a bit swolen too. Do you think it is possible to have 2 swolen at the same time and still not be aware of the infection or be cancer?? Stupidly I googled swolen glands and it said that they come up when you are fighting an infection or have a cold or something but I feel fine! I hate HA so much. Its completely destroyed my life for the past 10 weeks :(

21-02-13, 12:27
Just went to the doctor and she said she didn't feel anything that concerned her and thought it wasn't a lymph node but a muscle spasm..? Doesn't really add up as the gland behind my ear is swolen but I am going to try my absolute best to accept what she said and move on!! Easier said than done when you have the discomfort to constantly remind you! However i desperately need a break from this HA as i have been in a constant state of fear since Christmas Eve because of one symptom or another.

Blood test came back normal except for raised iron and liver, which she suspected was due to having been on iron tablets until a few weeks ago.

Any thoughts?