View Full Version : coccyx pain

20-02-13, 17:12
Me again...ha has reared its ugly head today. I have pain in coccyx area when I go from sitting to standing. I have been sitting in hard plastic chairs over the last 2 weeks, do you think it is related to this? I stupidly googled now I am stressing again, fed up of this :( xx

20-02-13, 18:53
It could well be the case that it's just down to the chairs? How's your posture? My mum has been getting back pain and cramping for over a year and has had just about every test possible. The doc finally put it down to the way she sits at work (she has an office job) She recently got one of those ergonomic chairs and it's made a massive difference!

20-02-13, 23:31

I have had the same problem! In fact, this problem was the catalyst for my most recent bout of HA (now in my 10th week, hoping I can have a break soon!)

You may well have put this worry to rest now, but if you're anything like me you'll be stressing about it! Aopologies in advance if TMI.

Basically for the past 8 months or so i have been vaguely aware that my coccyx ached (kind of like a bruised feeling but from the inside rather than to the touch) whenever i needed to empty my bowels. Then suddenly HA struck i thought Oh no what if its something serious and I've been ignoring it for the past 8 months. For the next few weeks i got myself in a complete state, doing EXTENSIVE (200-300 hours!) googling, which included reading cancer horror stories etc etc and checking/prodding/poking, which of course made it much worse. I found sitting on a soft surface worse as it put more pressure on my coccyx.

Anyway eventually (and after little help from the doctors) i got myself to an osteopath who couldn't actually identify the main cause for certain, although thought poor sitting posture and lack of relaxation/stress could well be. Anyway she has worked wonders on my coccyx pain. I haven't felt any pain for a week or so.

So if its bothering you, i would definitely see an osteopath, check your posture and ensure you let go of stress and tension properly.

Hope this helps.

And DO NOT try to self diagnose on Google like i did, or you will go through the terror of thinking you have spine cancer, soft tissue cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, anal cancer, bladder cancer and cervical cancer before you finally reach the sensible diagnosis of: slightly sore coccyx from poor sitting posture! (you have to laugh!)

21-02-13, 09:51
Thank you for the replies, it appears to have eased off this morning, but as you know with every symptom you panic, even though you know it is probably just a general ache or pain. You have to laugh otherwise you would cry constantly. Thanks again. :hugs: