View Full Version : anxiety eye symptoms

help me 21
20-02-13, 18:45
Hiya all, not sure if iv posted comment in right place, iv been a member now for a couple of years. I had really bad anxiety and depression. Cut the story short. Last post I did was back again after 3years. If you would like to read go ahead. Any way it feels like I'm going round and round! My anxiety symptoms have been back for a while now I'm getting that weird feeling not feeling real! Blurred vision,little fuzzy dots,dull vision,headaches and also floaters black dots floating in vision when I look left and right if you get what I mean. I don't no how to explain. But its drivin me crazy I'm sitting here thinking about my symptoms :( carnt stop cying I just want to be normal. Again :( have bad depression and anxiety. Had a lot of stress of the months. I also seen a cbt today she wasn't no help at all. She didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Also have my eyes tested every year haven't had them tested in 2years. (If your gonna reply go get them tested bla bla and say anythink negative) plz don't reply! Sorry but I don't wana hear it iv heard it a noth! Every year I had them tested and they said every time its stress bla bla. I no its anxiety had it years.I would love to hear your comments I'm alone and feeling down right now. Plz someone help thank you. :weep: x

21-02-13, 19:05
Hi i can relate to you and im 20 years old my eyes feel all blurry like i need glasses. Ive had eye tests ect all fine. It is so hard to believe something like anxiety can cause it and im always in doubt as i got every symptom under the sun. I have just posted a list of some of my symptoms you might relate to. Very scary as i keep thinking the worst ect but you will be fine sorry to hear your low so am i. Good luck you will be ok.

25-02-13, 23:55
I have soooo many eye symptoms. Black wispy floaters, little black circles that are white in the middle, flashes of light, flashes of dark, fuzzy vision, and the most recent one I had was there was like a shadow when something moved in my peripheral vision. I had my vision tested last year and the doctor said nothing was wrong, but I'm going to go back again this year and have them check the pressure again and mention these things. Maybe it is all just anxiety?! You're not alone. :hugs:

26-02-13, 00:11
I have soooo many eye symptoms. Black wispy floaters, little black circles that are white in the middle, flashes of light, flashes of dark, fuzzy vision, and the most recent one I had was there was like a shadow when something moved in my peripheral vision. I had my vision tested last year and the doctor said nothing was wrong, but I'm going to go back again this year and have them check the pressure again and mention these things. Maybe it is all just anxiety?! You're not alone. :hugs:

This post sums me up so many eye symptoms.. All of the above and then sum but most tests have comeback ok..

Vision Disturbances are again another thing that I would say every person with anxiety has suffered from at one stage and can be brought on but many a bengin condition..

27-02-13, 10:28
I can relate to you.

My anxiety is sky high at the mo and I have horrible visual problems which is making the anxiety so much worse that I can't even think about anything else (its starting to get on my husbands nerves and I worry that my children are going to pick up on my high anxiety!).

I've always been aware of floaters and dots etc and every couple of weeks would have a little silver blob somewhere in my vision which was more noticeable when I blinked at the sky or tv screen but over the last three weeks i've had more and more and I am not joking when I say they are driving me insane!- its like having a itch which you just can't ignore.

help me 21
05-07-15, 21:27
Do u still get the silver blob?? I do iv only started getting it

06-07-15, 11:34
ive noticed the more you focus on your sight the worst it will get..... go to specsavers and get full eye test they be able to look behide you eyes for anything nasty ..... i still have bad floaters but i can remember as a kid i used look at the sky and chase them in my field of eye sight, floaters are just natural process some people worst then others its just the gel at back your eye detaching it doesnt mean your unheathly and isnt a sign of anything serious..... the only time your sight really dangerous when get a change in sight like one eye has tunnel vision or competely blurred yano serious onset symptoms ! i must have a cobweb with eye floaters and convinced myself for months i have a tumor after many visit too specsavers and the doctors i tried too think unanxiously ( which i know is hard ) but now i accept them and when am having fun i never notice them but if i intentionally look up i get them. hope this reassure you all the best !