View Full Version : Paranoid ?

20-02-13, 19:30
Hiya I just wondered if anyone else feels quite paranoid or cud this be something other than anxiety I feel like I'm looking all the time to see if anyone is looking at me and just generally over thinking everything in scared now there could be something else wrong with me x

20-02-13, 22:46
Yup, me too. Part of my anxiety in very crowded places is feeling as though people are staring at me and that I look like a nutter!

This illness makes us very self-conscious I think.

21-02-13, 08:14
I think this is a common anxiety symptom. I get very paranoid, especially in one to one situations. I always worry that the person I am talking to can see my nervous movements, or notice that I get my words jumbled up, or my heavy chest breathing.
I feel this when in crowds as well.
You are not alone.

oh no_1
21-02-13, 08:28
yeh it does do these things to us. one to one, crowded places, well any convo really at the mo makes me paranoid.....
got that bad even talking to my friends who have said dont be silly course i wont judge you/be thinking anything but it stupid head.

it is hard isnt it but we can do it.

21-02-13, 09:18
Thanks for your lovely replys :) gud to know I'm not alone xx

21-02-13, 10:51
When my anxiety gets really bad I start believing that people are following me or spying on me. If I'm at home I'll often sit on the bed and look out the window. Once I nearly had a panic attack because I thought this guy was following me from my work place to my flat, by getting the same two buses as me.

A lot of people get this, you're fine :)

21-02-13, 10:57
I wrote this on another thread.

Re: The Inconsistency of Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety
I can relate with that Rain but my wife says I am paranoid. I often feel that everyone is looking at me and try and avoid eye contact but don't always manage to do that but that is usually when I am in the street alone even a short way from my house.

I get the feeling that whoever passes me by is going to attack me .I have had this feeling for years but when I am distracted by anything like walking with my wife and taling as an example, it goes out of my mind and I am reasonably calm.

21-02-13, 12:07
Yep...me too. Esp at work, if people are whispering about things I always assume they're all out to get me.

21-02-13, 12:10
Thanks ! Yeh I convinced myself someone followed me to my car yesterday they were walking behind me but just to the shop in front of me ! X

21-02-13, 12:21
Oh God yes I've done that too. And been paranoid someone's been following me driving home in their car. I once remember turning off my route home so that the person wouldn't find out where I lived :blush:

21-02-13, 14:24
Thanks for cheering me up I feel more normal now :) x

21-02-13, 16:51
i.m like this too so your not alone i.m scared about saturday when i go to cardiff and monday when i go to poole for 2 days of when i.m out people stareing and whispering or if i hear someone laugh outside i think there laughing about me so i know of how your feeling :hugs:

21-02-13, 18:20
im sure itl go fine just remember nobody is laughing or whispering about you :)i have a big party tomorrow night im nervous but i know i wont make any progress staying in im just trying to focus on the positives like i really enjoy getting ready so im thinking of that!x

21-02-13, 20:51
yes i get extremely paranoid aswel. i get a little situation and am convinced the worse is going to happen, or end up thinking everyone and everything is out to get me.