View Full Version : Please, please help!!! Losing it?

07-09-06, 13:55

God am having a bad, bad day, dont know what is happening to me today, feel like i am going mad cant think straight been having mad panic, feel as if im not here in a dream almost, sure that im gonna freak out any minute, my brain doesnt feel like my own, cant function properly , god think i am losing it, my vision is all weird cant see right, feel like im moving , floating, so scared im on the verge of a stroke or major psychiatric illness.

Please please help me anyone

07-09-06, 13:59
Dont panic, this is all the results of adrenaline.
Try not let it get to you as the adrenaline will keep pumping, keeping the panic alive.

try and relax...deep breaths - do something to take your mind off it........ironing cleaning, watch a film.

Hay x

07-09-06, 14:10
Im at work till 5, dont know how i will cope started to get a shooting pain in my head, AAHHHHHHHHH

07-09-06, 14:21
have you tried breathing techniques? or my cousin lately told me she suffered from anxiety {totaly unaware of that i was!} she says when shes anxious she jogs cos thats what your supposed to do where the fight or flight response kicks in! so last time i freaked out i jogged on the spot, so relieving!
Becci x

07-09-06, 14:50
i pace if i cant leave and i wear a little hair band on my wrist which i snap to help me calm down


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

07-09-06, 15:03
sorry ya felt that way sounds like a full blown panic..your adrenaline was high.when u get this way keep ya self busy physically burn that adenaline up i know its scary but you are not losing your mind...there are some good info and people here to help out....wish you all the best deep breath.................Linda:D

07-09-06, 18:45
Clarabell, i know exactly how you feel, i have soo been there. You will be fine. Keep yourself busy, occupy your mind - crosswords, reading, go for a walk, yoga and try and work out all that energy. If you feel you can't cope go see your doctor, at least the meds can take the edge off if anything. Easier said than done i know. It WILL pass.
Really hope you feel better soon:-)

14-09-06, 19:47
dsfsdfds sdfsdfsdfsdfsdf