View Full Version : PLEASE can someone help - terrible fear of C that has spread to my bone

21-02-13, 11:36
I posted on here last week about my fear of kidney cancer.
I was starting to believe that maybe I was ok, but my HA is through the roof and I can am really struggling to cope.

Basically a few weeks ago I was clening my step sons room when I had this sudden pain to the right of my lower back. Went to docs - he said muscle strain. It started to get better then came back again, so I saw another doc who tested my urine, which was clear. Then I started in the googling route and came up with Kidney cancer. Saw another docs who all felt around my tummy and back, got me to do a variety of movements and then said it wa muscuar. Again I was ok for a bit, but the pain is still there

The pain is sharp and stabbing and intermittant around my kidney, but I am also getting a throbbing ache lower down at the top of my right hip/lower back. I am now terrified that I have cancer which has spread to my bones and that the pain I am feeling is because of this. Also, the pain is worse if I sit down and better when I move. I read that bone pain from cancer is worse when relaxed so am even more terrified.

I can't seem to see the wood for the trees and can't imagine that it is anything as simple as a muscle strain. I have also had some sharp pains in my tummy.

Please can anyone help bring me back to a more rational way of thinking. I just can't seem to cope at all and have been pouring over websites where people have got metastic cancer and had pain like mine.

Sarah x

24-02-13, 19:41
I posted this last week and didn't get any elies, so, as is typical with HA am thinking it really must be bad if noone can relate:weep:
Has anyone evr strained their back and had a lot of pain for a long time.

S x

24-02-13, 19:52
Hi I know how scared you are as the C word terrifies me , it could be an ovarian cyst or something similar, have you had any blood tests or anything ? X

24-02-13, 19:57
Most back pain is worse when you are just sitting. I have terrible lower back pain which spreads round to my tummy and down my legs but it never seems so bad when I am moving around. The time that it is worse is when I am relaxed in bed. I am sure your GP is correct in saying that it is muscular pain. Try a heat pad on your back and massage should help.

24-02-13, 21:00
Thank you both for taking the time to respond.

Maybrooke - No bloods done, doc (all 5 of them!!!!) have all said it's a sprain. I went back to the docs on Fri and asked for another urine dip test. Then I got really scared because it had traces of blood in it (no infection). However, I always used to have this and back in 2006 I had scans and other investigations to check why I had blood (invisible) in urine. I turned out to be just one of those people who do with no none cause. My consultant at the time said that it was just me! As a result my doc said we didn't need to investigate again. Obviously I have googled and know that blood in urine can be a sign of kidney cancer, so it has just added to my fears:weep:

Annie - Thank you. I am using a cold pack at the moment, which does help. I do wonder whether I am making it worse because I am so tense!

S x

24-02-13, 21:05
Tension will make it worse :) x

25-02-13, 23:58
That's been my latest one! I've had a lot of back pain the last couple weeks and I keep thinking it's cancer that has spread. I just keep telling myself that it's muscular (and my husband likes to remind me too every time I winge!)