View Full Version : Hair Pulling

21-02-13, 11:50
** I'm sorry if this thread is in the wrong section, if it is could a Mod please move it to a more suitable forum :yesyes: **

I've been a hair puller since I could remember. As a child I used to chew and eat my hair. When I was a teenager I started pulling split ends apart and snapping my hair at the dead ends. I still chewed on my hair when I was nervous. For the last year or so I started pulling wiry hair out and I now pull out healthy hair.

My anxiety has been so bad for the last year. I find myself pulling chunks of hair out and biting the skin around my fingernails. I've been on Citalopram, again, for just over two weeks and feel this is contributing to my hair pulling. It has got so bad that I now have a bald patch on the top of my scalp. The only way to hide it is to style my hair into a pony tail (combing the hair over my bald patch) or to wear a hat. It's embarrassing that I've got that bad :wacko: I'm 23 for crying out loud, not 6.

Does anyone have any tips? I have frenzies where I'll pull hair out strand-by-strand, or small clumps, for an hour at a time. I'm getting married this September and can't have photos of me with bald patches.

Thanks in advance.

21-02-13, 11:59
Hey I pull my hair out to and I pick my skin which has left me with some scars sometimes I don't realise I'm doing it , what helps me most with the hair thing is as soon as I realise I'm doing it go to another room and do something else just distract yourself I look at apps on my fone so I have no hands to pully hair lol and as dr help fixing the already bald patch I use lee Stafford hair growth formula u can get it in boots and massage that into it and it helps your hair grow quicker hope this helps a little xx

21-02-13, 12:32
the main thing is to try try try and stop! I skin pick hands and feet which i feel I cant stop. There is a lot of information around on hair pulling, im pretty sure I saw an documentary on it on 4od or something and it was really well done seeing the extreme affects of it.
Could that work as a scare factor?
Medication should be stopping you from doing these things so I'd say u should be chatting to ur doctor again, im 22 and have scars from self harm as a kid, and I just know i really don't want scars on my hands and feet from something as weird as picking ha!
That sort of thing helps me, but moisturise and socks/plasters work best when im wanting too.
Maybe have ur hair tied up in a tight bun when u feel the need to and then go do something else? painting nails or drawing or calling a friend works well :)

hope that helps!

21-02-13, 13:46
I agree, distracting yourself is the good way to gradually stop. Do you pull your hair around anyone? If so make them aware of your problem so they can stop you. My housemate stops me itching/picking my scalp and picking my gums/teeth. He physically holds my hands and tries to calm me down.

Realize what you are doing to yourself - pulling out your lovely hair! And making yourself feel worse so please try to accept this as negative behavior which you don't deserve to inflict on yourself.

Definitely try to keep busy, do the washing up or cleaning. I would suggest limit hair brushing and tying your hair tightly - anything that makes you more aware of your hair or pulls on it might make the desire worse.

I know I brush my hair too much when I want to scratch my scalp because the feeling is similar but I end up brushing too much hair out and making my scalp really sore.

So please make sure you are completely aware of any hair pulling desires, stop yourself before you act on that desire by rationalizing it with yourself (you deserve to have a full head of healthy, beautiful hair!) or distract yourself by doing something more proactive (sewing/mending little things relaxes me sometimes) and reward yourself when you go a significant time without hair pulling (this is so important! please be kind to yourself and yourself will be kind back :))

Hope this helps & all the best to you!!

21-02-13, 16:34
I completely relate to this - I pull mine out strand by strand and it's directly related to how anxious I am. I have done it a lot lately. :blush: I find that distraction (NOT a book or TV) helps - my main one is Tetris on my phone.

I got married last October and in the spring I googled this as I had this sort of duck-fuzz on the top of my head where the pulled out hairs had started to grow back. Don't laugh but since then I've been using something designed for horses called "Eqyss Megatek", it's only available from one company in the UK as it's American. It's better than any human conditioner I've ever used and now most of my friends are on it too :roflmao:

You can rub it straight into your bald bit too, it works like that!

It certainly sorted me out for the wedding. Unfortunately I've undone all the good since then...

22-02-13, 15:56
Thanks everyone for the great advice. I have this fun burger game and 2p machine game on my phone which I play and I busy myself with housework. Today I've worn my beany hat just to hide and patch and not give me the accessibility to the pull. I'm having a good day today.

27-02-13, 12:18
Omg I had such a bad day. On Saturday I was on my own all day and I just went into this weird trance. Not only have I made my bald patch tons worse but I now have a second bald patch. It's to hide it now and I had to tell my fiancé. He didn't react at the time, which I was so glad for, he just stroked my hair and kissed my head. Last night he showed me how concerned and upset he is, mostly because he never noticed it. I told him that I've been a hair puller for years and have learned how to cover it up, but he's still upset that it's got that bad when I only used to pull strand-by-strand.

I had an exam for work yesterday and even though I passed with flying colours I still believe that I passed on a fluke. Everyone at work, especially the managers, all think I'm this amasing person who's fantastic at her job (I work in a bookmakers by the way) but most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing! My partner works for the same company as me and said how the District Training Coordinator is pleased, her assistant (my manager) is pleased and my District Manager 'fisted the air' and wants to call me. I should be pleased with myself, I got the highest score in the class, but I don't feel as competent as I make it out to be. I've only pulled a few strands the last couple of days but I just want to run my fingers through my hair, hold on tight and yank my hair out. I can't do this!

27-02-13, 14:57
I think this is trichotillomania and is best treated with HRT, or habit reversal training. Maybe you could look into it?

27-02-13, 18:22
I dont think it matters how old you are, hair pulling due to stress is surprisingly common! What are you anxious about? I understand how you feel, I used to pull out my hair, and I still bite my nails and the skin around it, scratch myself, bite inside my cheeks... I am weirdly doing it now as I type it! It is a habit, and I think you just need to learn new habits, that still make you feel less anxious and more calm, but more healthy for yourself and less self destructive... and I am sorry about your bald patch in your hair :( have you seen a doctor or counselor and asked them for help and support? Maybe they could try to help you tackle your anxieties, and perhaps see a hair dresser and ask what styles would suit you until it grows back :) xx

28-02-13, 10:00
Thanks for the replies.

My fiancé did some research when he was at home and said that it is trichotillomania (I hate the name, especially the 'mania') and he really wants me to speak to the doctor about it. I have an appointment to review my medication on Monday so I will bring it up, for him really.

My anxieties, unfortunately, are about anything and everything. Recently it was about my work exam, before that it was paying council tax. I am an anxious person at work, due to the nature of what I do, and I can worry about past experiences biting me in the bum, when I get really bad I start thinking people are watching/listening/following me. I also bite the skin around my fingernails which I have done since I can remember, to the point where I don't think it's a problem. When I pulled my hair to exacerbate my bald patch I wasn't anxious or nervous, I just had this intense feeling to go rip, I barely remember doing it, like I was in a trance. I am seeing a doctor on Monday so I will talk to him/her about some sort of treatment. I am on a waiting list for 'high intensity treatment' which I think CBT is under, but since my referral in December I still have about three or four months to go.