View Full Version : Neck ache

21-02-13, 12:07
Hiya just wondered if anybody had any tips on how to help neck ache it's so achy and sore and is giving me headaches at the back of my head it also cracks a lot aswel ? Thanks x

21-02-13, 13:07
Mine is like this too, had throat infection the last 6 days so don't know if it's related to that too.. I've got little sharp pains at the back of my head on the right hand side for about 4 days now and have no idea what it is. It does go with painkillers but I'm avoiding taking them in case it gets really bad and I need to be aware of it. Painkillers, neck massage could help, it might be tension/anxiety, apparently anxiety causes alot of enck pain? Hope you feel better x

21-02-13, 13:19
I have a lavender heat bag (microwavable) and I wrap that round my neck to ease it.

21-02-13, 14:08
Thanks :) yeh I don't like taking lots of painkillers they do help abit but I think it is anxiety related although I might try more pillows at night I don't usually have one I've never found it comfortable lol thanks Annie I've just tried a heat bag I got one for Xmas forgot all about it and your right its really helped ! :)I'm looking into what kind of massage would help as I do have backache also after a car accident I had there seems so many different massages thigh not got a clue ! X

21-02-13, 14:12
I am a holistic therapist so maybe I can help. If you think the pain is mainly tension the I would opt for a nice relaxing aromatherapy massage. If you think the muscles need deeper massage then a swedish massage or even more intense a sports massage. I prefer aromatherapy as my muscles mostly just need relaxing.

21-02-13, 14:21
Ohh I'm talking to the right person then lol thanks for that advice the aromatherapy one sounds lovely do they do them at beauty places or a specialist ?main thing is my back and neck crack constantly and if I don't sort of move to crack them they feel locked up and hurt it always feels better after they crack sometimes when my lower back feels locked up i have pain down my leg x

21-02-13, 14:22
i have had the same neck problems for a long time. I agree with the heat, aromatherapy, massage ... ice helps me more than heat for some reason but everybody is different. For me it takes the swelling down. Cracking isn't a big deal, mine cracks a lot too.

I have had deep tissue massages which were very helpful. They use a lot more pressure than regular massages.

21-02-13, 14:24
Yours sounds just like mine and I am sure it is because I can never relax. You can get full body aromatherapy massage or back, neck and shoulders. Most spa places do them and beauty places. Which part of the country do you live?

21-02-13, 15:01
I live in Leicestershire in a small town there isn't much choice of spas and things so may have to go into Leicester there are a couple of beauticians that I have been to for nails and waxing but they don't do massage , yeh I don't think i relax much even when I'm sitting watching tv my mind is racing wish it had an off button lol x

21-02-13, 15:07
There is a Bannatynes spa in Leicester and they do lots of different massage treatments.

21-02-13, 19:55
thanks !i had a look into that it looks lovely its my friends birthday soon so we have decided to go together x

21-02-13, 20:06
That will be nice. Sign up for emails and they will send to let you know when they have offers on. They sometimes do 2 for 1