View Full Version : New here, can anyone help?

07-09-06, 15:03
Hi there, Im a 22 and have been suffering from panic attacks for about 4 years now, but recently im worried that recently its got worse. Now whenever I have to gp anywhere I start to panic, If we go out for a meal, i get really fidgity and nervous. Even shopping with friends can bring on an attack. wherever i am I always have to find out where the nearest loo is or where the nearest exit is in case i panic. Im starting to worry as i think everyone will start thinking im no fun as whenever i go out im always unhappy and jumpy. Also recently i havent been able to eat properly, somedays barely eating at all!! I just wish i could be like everyone else and do fun spontaneous things, but i cant because i constantly have to know where im going, for how long etc. and its really getting me down. can anyone help??



07-09-06, 15:09

Know exactly how you feel , you need to nip this in the bud now before it gets too far and you end up like me!!! someone who is a wreck and spends my life worrying about everything.

Go to your docs they will be able to help you before you get further into an bad anxiety state.

You can email me if you like claire_fay@msn.com, i will be on line later this evening so can have a chat.

Claire x

07-09-06, 15:13
welcome ...............i know its hard dealing with all this ...the worrying just makes it worse....believe me i know the what ifs..........take a look at the info on here and stay positive and dont worry about what otheres think.......stay positve.they are only feelings and once you can be ok with that they will start to subside..wish u all the best.Linda[8D]

07-09-06, 15:14
Hi Becky,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


07-09-06, 15:25
Hi all, thanks for the replies. I really want to go to see my doctor about it but unfortunately im staying with relatives at the moment, which is probably not helping as i constantly feel far away from home where i feel safe, (if that makes sense) and im not registered here. The other problem is that Im supposed to be helping out at a show this weekend comming and I will have to be on stage for about an hour constantly, Im so worried because normally i get even more panicky when i have to stay still and when i do panic, i try and calm myself by sipping water ( i know it probably sounds weird but it does work for me) but of course being up there, with all those people looking at me, i wont be able to. Does anyone have any tips on coping under pressure like this??

Thanks again,


07-09-06, 15:43
Hi Bexy,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Below is a link for the first steps of dealing with anxiety and panic hope it is of some help.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

polly daydream
07-09-06, 15:59
Hi Bexy and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


07-09-06, 16:09
Hi Bexy

Remember you are not alone, I have the same problems as you and yes I always have a bottle of water and mints with me they are my life line so it isn't silly. Have you told anyone about your attacks I find it helps if I can say to someone when they are happening. I hope you find the help you need here best wishes and take care.


07-09-06, 18:40
welcome bexy, i know what you mean about finding comfort at home as i don't like being out of my comfort zone but refuse to let this thing take over my life although it is hard sometimes i know. Have you heard of visualizations and affirmations?? Keep saying to yourself in your mind when you are getting stressed "I am calm" "i'm relaxed" and tell yourself you will be good at what you are doing etc. Then as a visualisation, while you are at home, lye down and relax, clear your head and visualise yourself in the situation you are scared of, visualise yourself being confident, happy etc. All sounds like mumbo jumbo but i do this and find it helps me in stressful situations.
I read all this in a book called ANXIETY & PANIC ATTACKS, by Robert Handly with Pauline Neff which i found extremely helpful.
Hope you feel better soon:-)

07-09-06, 20:41
Hey Kitty thanks for the reply i will give it a go :D Hey, ive got nothing to lose.

"What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"

09-09-06, 18:25
Hey Bexy,

I know how you feel, Ive got a wedding comming up, but just try to think to yourself, as hard as it may be, that there is nothing to be afraid of. Also if you get that niggly voice inside your head telling you that your not safe etc. try to imagine those voices in a really silly high pitched tone, I know it sounds silly but thats what ive been doing recently and it does work. Have you tried relaxation techniques as well? There is a lot to be said for them as they really help you in everyday situations. Hope this helps.

Cat xx

17-09-06, 11:52