View Full Version : Headaches won't go away

21-02-13, 18:30
These headaches I'm getting are really getting on my nervs, I don't feel stressed or anxious, but obviously my body feels differently.
My eyes feel heavy from my eyebrows, throbbing sensation in both temples with pressure, sometimes with a twitch.
I don't know what to do because I went to Doctors on Monday and explained everything to her, but I didn't say anything like "I think it's a brain tumor" or anything but it's worrying me the headache.
It's literally been everyday for about a month which is why I think it's something more serious.

21-02-13, 18:34
You could try a massage or see an osteopath or it could be tension

22-02-13, 00:23
Yeah I do get head massages when my head is quite bad, but it only lasts till I wake up so it doesn't really do me any good.

I now have a pulsating tingling in my leg/foot since I've had my massage :S
I was sat on the floor, then sat on the sofa for about an hour and when I got up I could feet it tingling everytime I put my foot down?!
what the hell is this.
It's like a humm/very very slight vibration type sensation more than a tingling such as pins and needles.
A mixture of all really