View Full Version : Am I mad or is the whole world strange?

21-02-13, 18:30
Hey all.
I don't know how quite to put this but today has been an odd day. Nothing remarkable has happened as such but everything has felt...contrived. I spend my entire time trying to comprehend the madness of humanity, trying to make sense of the world as I see it but none of it makes sense. I can't quite put my finger on it...I know my description is vague at best but I just feel a bit overwhelmed. I just feel a sense of 'unreality', that i'm observing the actions of people but they don't make sense to me anymore.

Does anyone else feel like this sometimes?
A vague sense of dread or confusion which is impossible to put your thumb on exactly what it is, but it persists nonetheless. It's not anxiety asuch, more like depersonalization.

21-02-13, 19:00
Definitely!!! I've been struggling alot with this recently. Everything feels unfamiliar and strange and odd to me sometimes. It makes me feel very lonely and isolated and scared!
I tell myself it's DP/DR, a symptom, not real and just try to carry on until it passes but it's very horrible x

21-02-13, 19:04
hi and welcome :welcome:i think you are right about it being depersonalization

21-02-13, 19:09
Thanks starlight and manwithnoname.

It seems pretty likely as I exhibit most of the symptoms but even when presented with a clear definition it sets me thinking.

Are we really suffering from a condition or is the world one truly big stage where people masquerade around, like actors, playing out their humdrum lives, and we the observer who once were a passive audience now see them in a true light. I'm not not sure if I have a 'problem' or the world is one massive problem and I now see it for what it really is.

21-02-13, 19:11
the world is a stage i am sure about that, i think the trick is working out what part we should be playing:wacko:

21-02-13, 19:38
Ohh I've had this , constant out of place , weirdness????? And derealisation of panic attacks????? The worlds pretty messed up, crazy so I suppose when I think it's just me whose lost it - not really I think everyone's a bit potty one way or another. But I am naturally deep and do get a feeling of unease and weirdness and questioning the world the universe and being! I think 2 things go on with me , an inquisitive, sensitive overactive mind and the other- panic induced derealisation!

21-02-13, 19:46
Col we are kindred spirits. As my name on this suggests I over think (well from a 'normal' person's perspective) situations/ideas/behaviour. I love knowledge in any form and this extends to conspiracy theories/mad religious ideas/science etc which my overactive imagination cannot always take. We know so little about our existence and I hate it. I see in the smallest details of living the grand designs of existence and delude myself into thinking I understand life the universe and everything...but in reality I don't.

21-02-13, 22:10
We are certainly peas in a pod because, I was going to mention conspiracy theories and thought - better not! Ha ha. On a serious note this is what bugs me - how can us humans who know sooo much ( technology etc ) carry on our daily lives not knowing & accepting the unkown & ignoring the most important question & fundamental of all & that is ..........
Why are we here & where will we go? Then pain, hurt, trouble, effort, problems, the daily fight - what's it all for, if we simply turn to dust, end! Why do some of us seriously suffer more than others ? The concept of conscience & or, soul???
Because I now suffer with panic & anxiety these thoughts which I have had for years though, scare me to death! Like u say not really understanding the universe, so true, we don't see visually everything that exists, as it is due to limited spectrum and our senses are limited and our capacity to understand due to using only, a tiny portion of our brains! We are not the higher being we are an inprovement of other species, not the ultimate being as some believe, we have limits. Genius people I think are blessed with simply having the ability to use a morsel more of their brains compared to , the average! They don't have the answers to the most primitive & fundemental questions of life! Maybe some do know, it's good to keep an open mind but It's very scary, and don't get me started on NWO!!!

20-06-13, 20:25
...As my name on this suggests I over think (well from a 'normal' person's perspective) situations/ideas/behaviour. I love knowledge in any form and this extends to conspiracy theories/mad religious ideas/science etc which my overactive imagination cannot always take. We know so little about our existence and I hate it. I see in the smallest details of living the grand designs of existence and delude myself into thinking I understand life the universe and everything...but in reality I don't.

Just came accross this, very interesting. I could have written that myself. I've bugged myself with when I thought I sussed out existence when depressed and decided that life is meaningles...but I can't remember what it was. It's amazing what thinking can do to reality. Mostly nothing! Would love to chat to the OP.