View Full Version : Hi does anyone else feel like this?

21-02-13, 19:00
Hi ive been feeling like this for about 6 months now and i know i suffer from anxiety because i do have other symptom such as jelly legs ect but these are my main ones and i get it everyday and im scared. Im 20 year old male and im going doctor Monday but he just keeps saying im fine but going to ask to see a specialist. But does anyone else get this as i find to hard to believe it is anxiety to have it near enough 24/7 also im on no medication.


21-02-13, 22:40
yes to every single symptom you listed that distant feeling you feel is depersonlisation

21-02-13, 23:06
Hi nutcasetom, I also ticked every one you've listed! In my experience yes these are all anxiety and panic related. You mention you're on no meds - is this something you can talk to your GP about on Monday?

I've been on Citalopram for a few weeks now and it has eased the symptoms you list - some of them like the drunk/unbalanced feeling and the pressure in ears I am hardly getting at all now. The others I still experience but not constantly and I know the meds are helping.

Good luck :)

21-02-13, 23:13
Hi nutcasetom, I also ticked every one you've listed! In my experience yes these are all anxiety and panic related. You mention you're on no meds - is this something you can talk to your GP about on Monday?

I've been on Citalopram for a few weeks now and it has eased the symptoms you list - some of them like the drunk/unbalanced feeling and the pressure in ears I am hardly getting at all now. The others I still experience but not constantly and I know the meds are helping.

Good luck :)

is this an anti depressant med? im afraid to go on meds cos i heard they make you worse do you find them helpfull? i was told you cant beat anxiety without the help of meds

21-02-13, 23:38
yes to every single symptom you listed that distant feeling you feel is depersonlisation

Really all of them? I really thought something bad is happening to me i just don't know what to do anymore it is very scary and i just feel like im not on planet earth and i get numbness too and then i think im having a stroke horrible.

---------- Post added at 23:38 ---------- Previous post was at 23:35 ----------

Hi nutcasetom, I also ticked every one you've listed! In my experience yes these are all anxiety and panic related. You mention you're on no meds - is this something you can talk to your GP about on Monday?

I've been on Citalopram for a few weeks now and it has eased the symptoms you list - some of them like the drunk/unbalanced feeling and the pressure in ears I am hardly getting at all now. The others I still experience but not constantly and I know the meds are helping.

Good luck :)

Thanks i can't believe you get all those symptoms too? I keep thinking ive got some serious illness and it is driving me insane. It has all came out of nowhere. Thanks but i have been tried on lots of different antidepressants and none work for me so far and im scared because the symptoms was so bad on them. I have also tried citlapram and i found that to make me bad. Is it possible to overcome without meds?

22-02-13, 09:55
I don't know if it can be overcome without meds. Certainly CBT is said to be a huge help (I have my first session in a couple of weeks) and there are meditation and breathing techniques that are helpful too. But for me I needed the medication. I was on Fluoxetine for depression for some years but came off it in October. In January I had a breakdown but it was all about the panic and anxiety, not pure depression. The doc put me back on the Fluoxetine but it wasn't making a dent so she switched me to Citalopram. Initially it made me worse but after a couple of weeks I did start to feel better. It hasn't taken away all my symptoms but I'm coping much better than I was. How long were you on the Cit for? There is a huge range of SSRIs available and it's just finding the one that works for you.

My advice to you would be to talk this through with your doctor on Monday - take the list of symptoms you've told us about because they are all classic anxiety and he shouldn't just be telling you that you are fine!

22-02-13, 14:05
I don't know if it can be overcome without meds. Certainly CBT is said to be a huge help (I have my first session in a couple of weeks) and there are meditation and breathing techniques that are helpful too. But for me I needed the medication. I was on Fluoxetine for depression for some years but came off it in October. In January I had a breakdown but it was all about the panic and anxiety, not pure depression. The doc put me back on the Fluoxetine but it wasn't making a dent so she switched me to Citalopram. Initially it made me worse but after a couple of weeks I did start to feel better. It hasn't taken away all my symptoms but I'm coping much better than I was. How long were you on the Cit for? There is a huge range of SSRIs available and it's just finding the one that works for you.

My advice to you would be to talk this through with your doctor on Monday - take the list of symptoms you've told us about because they are all classic anxiety and he shouldn't just be telling you that you are fine!

Hi i have cbt at home because i have agoraphobia because my symptoms are bad and i can't go out. I have had it for 5 weeks now and i have only found it a little bit of help but it is different for all of us. I was on citlapram for 2 months and i still felt awful after the 2 months and the doctors ask me to stop taking them. I have also tried Fluoxetine and i found them to make me feel bad also. The doctors just seem to sort of giving up on me and i look like a liar every time i go doctors because of how i feel. But i will talk Monday and maybe ask to try and go on Xanax for a couple of weeks to ease the symptoms as i have heard alot of good things about this but is also very addictive. Thanks for your help and ive wrote the list down which ive wrote on here and im going to ask the doctor to definitely try something because he can't just keep parming me off with im ok i can't live like this anymore. Im sorry to hear about what you have been through. I hope you are successful with the cbt and i am glad a pill i working for you take care x

23-02-13, 17:51
Thanks Tom.

Can you see a different GP? Is it just this one that's not helpful? I am blessed with a GP who is very supportive, understanding and always has time to talk things through but I know not everyone's so lucky.

Hope your weekend is manageable, let us know how you get on on Monday :hugs: You are not alone

23-02-13, 18:06
All your symptoms can be down to something called deconditioning if you are currently housebound. I have had this in my worst agoraphobic periods as I wasn't using my body enough or getting fresh air and exercise.
Studies have shown if you don't use your body enough each day you are susceptible to deconditioning, cardiac output drops, blood volume and blood pressure drops, muscle wasting occurs, all these add up to making you feel fatigued, light headed, forgetful, unmotivated, rapid heart rates, jelly legs etc etc.
What is your exercise regime, do you think you are doing enough? Do you manage some fresh air each day to get those red blood cells nicely oxygenated?

23-02-13, 18:09
Hi there
Every single symptom is classic anxiety. Feels so horrible but its not harmful or dangerous. Just draining. Your GP does not sound so helpful, is there another one in the practice you can speak to?

23-02-13, 21:27
Thanks Tom.

Can you see a different GP? Is it just this one that's not helpful? I am blessed with a GP who is very supportive, understanding and always has time to talk things through but I know not everyone's so lucky.

Hope your weekend is manageable, let us know how you get on on Monday :hugs: You are not alone

Thanks sunshine and unfortunataly for me no :( My doctors don't understand and ive been to about 3 different doctors and they look at me like im mad and say it's just anxiety. But when i go Monday i a going to make sure they do something i can't go on like this.. Thanks and i will let you know how i got on take care x

---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:22 ----------

All your symptoms can be down to something called deconditioning if you are currently housebound. I have had this in my worst agoraphobic periods as I wasn't using my body enough or getting fresh air and exercise.
Studies have shown if you don't use your body enough each day you are susceptible to deconditioning, cardiac output drops, blood volume and blood pressure drops, muscle wasting occurs, all these add up to making you feel fatigued, light headed, forgetful, unmotivated, rapid heart rates, jelly legs etc etc.
What is your exercise regime, do you think you are doing enough? Do you manage some fresh air each day to get those red blood cells nicely oxygenated?

Hi there thanks for your advice.. im afraid i don't i am always too dizzy to do exercise plus having agoraphobia i can;t go out so im not getting enough oxygen either. Is there any recommendations on how i can do it bit by bit please? Thanks again Tommy.

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:25 ----------

Hi there
Every single symptom is classic anxiety. Feels so horrible but its not harmful or dangerous. Just draining. Your GP does not sound so helpful, is there another one in the practice you can speak to?

Hi thanks for your advice.. I have changed doctors twice and the doctors ive been at now ive seen 3 different doctors and they all say the same to me. Anxiety and it won't harm you ect... Really is depressing :(

23-02-13, 21:42
I would start out by at least making sure I at least did some housework! Can your do the hoovering, wash the windows and spring clean on the inside. Are you too dizzy to walk up and down the stairs for 10 to 15 minutes non stop? Do you have access to YouTube? Loads of free work out routines on there or yoga and Pilates stuff posted.
The WORST thing is to spend the majority of your time infront of a computer or tv.
If you can't set foot outside then start by standing by your door until all panic subsides, even if it means you have to panic all day! As horrid as that sounds the more you do it, the more you will realise the panic is never going to physically harm your body.
Then work up to opening the door (this could take one week, 2 weeks etc) doesn't matter how long it takes, you need to work up to things at your own pace. It may takes month before you set foot outside it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you try.
Our bodies have evolved to move around and be used as much as we are able. We don't do so well when we start to sit around too much, no matter what our abilities there is always some manner of exercise we can do.

23-02-13, 21:45
hi I also can tick each of your symptoms. This morning I had a very short bout of vertigo and I am still reeling from the panic that caused.
try scrolling thro this page and you will recognize most of your symptoms there.
the trouble is - that the doctor is right but to us the symptoms are sooo worrying and he sees them every day.

23-02-13, 22:23
I would start out by at least making sure I at least did some housework! Can your do the hoovering, wash the windows and spring clean on the inside. Are you too dizzy to walk up and down the stairs for 10 to 15 minutes non stop? Do you have access to YouTube? Loads of free work out routines on there or yoga and Pilates stuff posted.
The WORST thing is to spend the majority of your time infront of a computer or tv.
If you can't set foot outside then start by standing by your door until all panic subsides, even if it means you have to panic all day! As horrid as that sounds the more you do it, the more you will realise the panic is never going to physically harm your body.
Then work up to opening the door (this could take one week, 2 weeks etc) doesn't matter how long it takes, you need to work up to things at your own pace. It may takes month before you set foot outside it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you try.
Our bodies have evolved to move around and be used as much as we are able. We don't do so well when we start to sit around too much, no matter what our abilities there is always some manner of exercise we can do.

Hi thanks, yeah i can do some exercise in my house and usually do until i get really dizzy.. but when it comes to outside that's the biggest problem. But hanks alot for your help i will do that and take it slowly walking up and down the stairs and then slowly walking outside. Thank you for your help once again.

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

hi I also can tick each of your symptoms. This morning I had a very short bout of vertigo and I am still reeling from the panic that caused.
try scrolling thro this page and you will recognize most of your symptoms there.
the trouble is - that the doctor is right but to us the symptoms are sooo worrying and he sees them every day.

yes that is true it just gets so distressing as i keep thinking it is something serious because i don't feel anxious? It just comes on for no reason and it lasts hours sometimes. Thanks alot i will look through that now :)

23-02-13, 22:58
You are not alone ! I have every thing u listed and some :( not fun at all . I hope things get better for u

24-02-13, 00:41
oh yes depo or derealisation..i have it like others have said its not dangerous..just bloody awful xx

24-02-13, 23:38
You are not alone ! I have every thing u listed and some :( not fun at all . I hope things get better for u

Thank you very much, it's awful. I hope things improve for you also.

---------- Post added at 23:38 ---------- Previous post was at 23:37 ----------

oh yes depo or derealisation..i have it like others have said its not dangerous..just bloody awful xx

Ok thank you it is horrible, makes you feel like your going to pass out and not on planet earth. xx

25-02-13, 17:02
I have all those symptoms including nausea and it makes me sick at times.

25-02-13, 18:34
i agree its like everything seems unreal or alien in some...sometimes for me i feel as if i am viewing the world through a video camera..

25-02-13, 23:43
I have all of those and loads more. You are not alone and anxiety can cause all of those symptoms!

26-02-13, 00:18
Hi Tom
I am going through similar period myself. I am really fed up and don't know what to do anymore. I get dizzy, woozy, feeling like drunk, like I'm gonna faint, get strained eyes and pressure. It would just suddenly come and the panic is overwhelming. I have been to the doctors and they just send me away... saying I am fine, there is nothing wrong with me. But I feel like I am living a nightmare. I am not agoraphobic mostly cause I am equally scared everuehere I suppose. I had a scariest episode this evening, I am still feeling the effects, I can't even describe how it felt, it's so difficult to explain, it's as if you are in a coma but inside you're conscious, or your body suddenly feeling like nothing but your brain is somewhere inside fully aware...it's so scary. I've been feeling woozy ever since.

So you are not alone. How did it go at the doctors?

And please if anyone felt this before let me know cause I am about to lose my mind with fear.

26-02-13, 17:45
I have all those symptoms including nausea and it makes me sick at times.

Hi im sorry it makes to feel like that, i also feel sick alot but im not usually sick. It is horrible i hope your feeling ok.

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

i agree its like everything seems unreal or alien in some...sometimes for me i feel as if i am viewing the world through a video camera..

Yes it is a horrible feeling.. Ive never experienced anything so disturbing. It is horrible.

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

I have all of those and loads more. You are not alone and anxiety can cause all of those symptoms!

Yes i also have loads more but these are the ones which i mostly have it is horrible. It helps knowing im not alone. Hope your ok?

---------- Post added at 17:45 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

Hi Tom
I am going through similar period myself. I am really fed up and don't know what to do anymore. I get dizzy, woozy, feeling like drunk, like I'm gonna faint, get strained eyes and pressure. It would just suddenly come and the panic is overwhelming. I have been to the doctors and they just send me away... saying I am fine, there is nothing wrong with me. But I feel like I am living a nightmare. I am not agoraphobic mostly cause I am equally scared everuehere I suppose. I had a scariest episode this evening, I am still feeling the effects, I can't even describe how it felt, it's so difficult to explain, it's as if you are in a coma but inside you're conscious, or your body suddenly feeling like nothing but your brain is somewhere inside fully aware...it's so scary. I've been feeling woozy ever since.

So you are not alone. How did it go at the doctors?

And please if anyone felt this before let me know cause I am about to lose my mind with fear.

Hi mila, sorry to hear your going through this bad patch too. That is exactly how i am how you described. I would be sitting here and all of a sudden eyes feel pressured and head and then i become extremely unreal form everything and all the symptoms kick in. It is so scary sometimes as i think im going to pass out and also my head feels like it is going to explode. Yes it feel like that as if your in a coma but still conscious. When i try and explain it to people i say that it is as if i am a spirit and although i know im here i don't feel real. It is really hard to explain but it is horrible. Ive just had enough now. I feel dizzy 24/7 and the spaced out feeling .. It feels as if i am drugged up on medication when i ain't. I know exactly how your feeling and honestly it is just anxiety. It is just a horrible thing to go through it has ruined my life. I suffer from panic disorder and agoraphobia. Im having cbt at home for this and i am on week 6 and still no improvement but im hoping things will soon. I hope your feeling better? I went doctors monday and he tried prescribing me citlapram when ive already tried that and it made me ill so im going to have to go back. Doctors don't understand im afraid and when im in there they look at me like im mad.. ive even wrote everything down how i feel and they just want to drug everyone up. Thanks for asking but we will get there eventually but don't worry i feel exactly how you feel.. you explained it just how i feel. Take care and let me know how you are..I just can't cope with this for life.. Tommy

26-02-13, 17:51
Tom would you think about changing your GP practice or asking for a referral? It sounds like you're not exactly blessed with understanding doctors. Hope you start to feel better soon

26-02-13, 17:56
Tom would you think about changing your GP practice or asking for a referral? It sounds like you're not exactly blessed with understanding doctors. Hope you start to feel better soon

Hi sunshine, yes i am defo going to change, Your right ive not had much luck with doctors but im sure there are some that really do understand what we go through.. Thanks for your help on my threads it really is appreciated. I hope your feeling better too.