View Full Version : scared the chiropractor has caused internal bleeding

21-02-13, 19:44
Hi all
I've had my first session of chiropractic today for my sciatica type pain and I really wish I hadn't .
I had to have major emergency surgery 18months ago after during a minor gynae op the surgeon accidentally tore my spleen and didn't realise until way after I woke up....I was told that it was likely I wouldn't survive...hence the HA.

Well, all is healed. I have pain in my tummy but the drs say that's from adhesions from the surgery. I've asked them that if I stretched too far or do some sports, will I cause bleeding from tearing adhesions, and they've said no.....

Well today my chiropractor did a move where she twisted me while I was lying down, and pushed really hard down on my middle ( over my crossed arms) and my back clicked. She did this move twice. It didn't hurt, but I have felt sick and scared since that she's really damaged my internal organs or torn an adhesion that's been stuck to an organ and that I'm slowly internally bleeding again.... I can't get it off my mind. I had some tummy pain before the session but now it's sore still, and I'm panicking.

She explained the risks beforehand and said I'll feel sore after. I asked her before she started if she could tear the abdominal adhesions and make me bleed internally and she said no.

I've felt like passing out, and I know that's probably from me being soooo anxious (I'm actually shaking) and my pulse is racing. I keep taking these as signs that I'm bleeding to death.

Does anyone know if this can happen even? Why do I do this?? I'm so scared and feel so alone

Charlotte x

21-02-13, 20:35
They know what they are doing so no they can't harm you doing those moves.

21-02-13, 21:39
I went to see a chiropractor for my shoulder pain and it was agony for several days after but a few days later it actually felt better. It is normal to feel pain after the initial session because they are quite physical but I would go again if I could afford it

21-02-13, 21:49
Nicola is so right, if the chiropractor has had your medical history, there should be no problem. I have had treatment for bad back, and it did me good, but I ran out of cash. I if I had the money-- then i would have more treatment.