View Full Version : Anyone overcame DP/DR?

21-02-13, 20:30
Had a really crap day with this today. Was sparked off by reading an article in New Scientist called The SELF: The Greatest Trick Your Mind Will Ever Play. Ok, how stupid can you get when you suffer from DP, right? Had the obvious effect - totally freaked me out and been obsessing about it all day.

Has anyone ever overcame this horrible symptom? Is it possible? x

21-02-13, 20:34
Yes I have - I don't get it at all.

It goes in time

21-02-13, 20:42
Oh and I don't mean to be horrible but please don't post if you've had it for years and it's never gotten better - I can't deal with that news at the moment :weep:

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

Thanks Nicola, I really needed to hear that! Its really a very nasty effect of anxiety that seems to make recovery 10x harder. It was improving before xmas but the seasonal stress brought it right back and although I know it will improve again the self-doubt it brings is hard to overcome. x

21-02-13, 20:48
You can't make it go just like that as such it just lessened over time with me as I started to work on controlling the panic/anxiety etc.

21-02-13, 20:56
yeah its tough at the moment as I've just came off meds because they just increased the spaced out feeling (I was on them for 5 months so gave it a good go). I feel better off them but as I can't get any psychological therapy I feel like I'm totally alone in trying to cope. I'm thinking of changing my GP so I can perhaps get some counseling or CBT (he won't refer me as services are to busy) x

21-02-13, 21:41
DP/DR has ALWAYS been the spark of my panic attacks since I was 6.

Infact I just had a panic attack about 2 hours ago because of it. I know I'm here, but it sure as heck didn't feel like it. I also know it's a symptom of anxiety but that just doesn't help does it!

In the last 2 months I've had it mildly throughout my days. I've done alot of internet research on it because it's still pretty much unknown to most people. I've heard time and time again that the best way to over come these feelings are to know that they are just feelings and a symptom of anxiety and stress and to just ignore them.
Try to just get on with whatever your doing. Interact with people. Do a crossword puzzle. Walk to the shop. Just act normal.

That's the theory anyway. Its going to take me a long time to get over these feelings.

I hope you are ok because I know exactly what you're feeling x

21-02-13, 21:48
It's just that you can read 100 times that its harmless and will go away and only 1 time read that its a serious condition and will be there forever. As an anxiety sufferer I'll ignore the 100 positive stories and focus on the negative one. I think it would be easier to deal with if it didn't make you feel like you're completely alone and isolated in the universe.


21-02-13, 22:33
i hate this feeling i really do its weird but it is harmless it scares.me when it happens but i try to distract myself

i had it tonight watching the the liverpool match thats enouh to give anybody anxiety lol but it lasted the whole game and it is horrible i do want to overcome this without meds