View Full Version : Swollen glands in neck :(

21-02-13, 20:47
I've got myself all worried because I can feel 3 swollen glands in my neck and one behind my ear. I've googled and now fearing the worst :-( I am trying to think rationally about it, my children are ill at the moment with coughs and colds and I can feel a sore throat and ear ache coming on but I can't help thinking awful things :-(

22-02-13, 09:44
Your glands will swell in response to an infection. It's completely normal! Try not worry about it because I'm sure they will go down once you and your children are feeling better.

22-02-13, 09:50
Yes, I wouldnt worry too much. When I am ill they come up all the time and I even have a few that haven't gone down completly which the doc said was normal.

You are probably catching your childrens cold!

Keep smiling and try not to panic yourself :)

FR x