View Full Version : Sinus arrythmia and sinus tachycardia

07-09-06, 18:18

I had a heart monitor on a couple of weeks ago and it picked up sinus arrythmia and sinus tachycardia.Im worried now,although i wasnt at the time !!
Im really panicking
Has anyone had this and what exactly is it?
Hunny xx

07-09-06, 20:11
I've not experienced this myself, but I've typed it plenty of times when people have had it picked up on ECG in their health screens! As far as I know, they are normal variants - I think sinus tachycardia is a fast heartbeat and sinus arrhythmia is irregular rhythym.

What has your doctor said? Have they asked you to go back? Or are they happy with the results?


07-09-06, 23:39
Hi Hunny,

Both of these things are completely normal and would be found in most people, my monitor picked both up too.

Sinus tachycardia just means any heart beat above 100 beats per minute, and that happens to everyone at times, especially if you have been anxious or increased your heart rate my exercising. Everyones heart goes abouve 100 at times, just non anxious people rarely notice.

Sinus arrhythmia is the normal increase in heart rate that occurs during inspiration (when you breathe in). This happens in most people but is just more pronounced in some than others, and again anxious people are sensitive to any changes and notice it more. This is not an irregular rhythm and is not dangerous at all it simply means your heart speeds up a little when you breathe in and slows back down when you breathe out. Hyperventilation can also aggrevate it I think, I know if I hyperventilate I breathe in to quickly which speeds my heart up.

Sounds like your monitor was normal and you have nothing to worry about :D

Lisa x

08-09-06, 09:08
Thanks so much for your replies

Hunny x