View Full Version : Anxiety help

22-02-13, 00:01
Hello, I'm new to this and I'm hoping this will help. I have been seen by my doctor and he has suggested medication which I'm against. I usually can deal with anxiety myself but I struggle when I get symptoms. Like right now I keep getting these extreme sharp pains on the right side of my head I just want to cry. I have been for an MRI recently and nothing was wrong. I can't help but feel that there's something wrong and I'm going to die. I'm scared of death I'm scared to take any new medication. I just feel as though I'm a mess. I have ativan but Im scared it will make me anxious. Any advice I'll take

22-02-13, 00:13
atvian will chill you right out take some tonight you cant become addicted overnight take 1 mg if bad tomorrow back to hospitol

22-02-13, 10:36
I can understand being against medication, but if things are such a problem, something to take the edge off can make all the difference, especially if you are having/thinking of having any kind of anxiety treatment like CBT etc. Medication is a crutch that is soon discarded once you are ready :)

23-02-13, 01:07
My doctor gave me 0.5 mg Ativan so it's very low dose which is nice. Since I've had the pains in my head I just haven't felt right. Like something is off. I've been a bit stressed having just got a tetnus shot then just getting over tonsillitis which I had to be on penicillin for. My mind keeps thinking that maybe there's something majorly wrong. I just want to stop feeling funny you know?