View Full Version : Over stimulated nervous system

22-02-13, 00:39
My Drs have diagnosed my symptoms as stress/anxiety related. They said since I've been under an enormous amount of stress for a long period of time, that's where my symptoms are coming from. I'm just getting nervous bc while most of them come and go throughout the day, I have one constant symptom. When I'm touched a certain way, it tingles, almost like pins and needles or vibrating. I'm just wondering how long does it take for your nervous system to get back to normal bc it's been 4 weeks now and I'm beginning to worry. I've had blood work, clinical exams, an EMG, and a nerve conduction test and all was normal. Has anyone had constant symptoms due to stress? And how log did it take to pass?


22-02-13, 14:19

22-02-13, 14:24
Hiya it takes 8 weeks to de-sensitise your body and you have to be completely calm no stress no panic or anything and as you just said might be 4 weeks but your still worried so back you go again never ending circle x

22-02-13, 14:28
Thank you for response!!!

22-02-13, 15:40
That's really interesting! But also very annoying! How are we HA sufferers ever going to have 8 whole weeks without a single worry??

22-02-13, 15:50
I know!!! 8 weeks is a long time!! The longest I've gone without worrying in 4 weeks, has been 3 days!! I haven't panicked about it since Monday though, but I guess worrying isn't helping!

22-02-13, 17:10
I seem to constantly be worrying about one symptom or another, causing me to be on high alert. It goes from being in the back of my mind to a full blown panic attack, and every where in between!


My biggest break has been a couple of hours in the last 10 weeks :wacko: