View Full Version : Health Anxiety Grip..just wanna get out

22-02-13, 05:37
hey guys, hope all are doing fine just need support here on tues ill be having my 1st mammogram as well as breast ultrasound..im having pain in my breast and armpit for months now and also my sternum and ribs doctors said its costochondritis but i would like to have my breast to be checked as we sometimes dont just settle for what the doctors are telling us..:) 2 days ago a bad news came a close cousin of mine is dying of a very rare case of ca sweatgland ca and prior to this 1 year ago another cousin of mine died of breast ca so it is really freaking me out everyday its just like my mind is sucked with these issues that i camnnot get it out of my mind.Last year i have been in and out of the hospital for checkups pain on this and pain on that and im getting tired of it focusing on what is going to ache next..and another thing i found a small pea size thing on top of my private thing it was small before and now i think its getting bigger enough for me to recognize so worry worry worry that is how i spend my days not very normal if this is health anxiety at its most i wanna get out of it...very tiring im exhausted imagine all those fears and adrenaline surging in my body and to top it all surging thoughts and worst came scenario..just want to live my life normal and paceful with my loving and supporting husband.Sorry for the rambling just wanna get this out of my head support are very much appreciated.

22-02-13, 06:21
Just wanted to say hi , and I may not have same worries but I suffer with health anx I understand how this can get u down fast . After doc gives u the all clear try to relax abit if u can 'tc and I'll be here if u need chat ,,

22-02-13, 14:46
thanks Jessica for your post, it really helps hope we could have a chat some of these days..TC

22-02-13, 15:38
Just wanted to say hi too. I am having similar worries at the moment, and I can completely sympathise with the HA. I've had it so bad since xmas. Been on high alert constantly and have been completely obsessed with one ca or another since then. It's ruining my life! Have you tried CBT? I have been referred for it by my GP but the waiting list is over 6 months so am going to scrape all my pennies together and go private.

24-02-13, 08:43
hi Lily thanks for the post its really ruining my life just everyday started when i wake up and still continues before i sleep or even in my sleep having horrible dream just want to get out.Havent tried CBT yet but its nice if someone will post about CBT on HA.

24-02-13, 08:50
Try this site http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53 it's an HA workbook with various modules to work through based a lot on CBT. You may find it helpful.

25-02-13, 09:56
thanks Eek i will have a look at it :)