View Full Version : 21st Wedding Anniversary - Pulled Out

07-09-06, 18:33
We were meant to go out tonight for a meal to celebrate. I have had just about enough when it comes to ordering meals out. Recovering from an eating disorder/anxiety/depression/tranquilliser addiction is as about much as I can deal with. Having to order from a menu is way to hard and don't see why I should put myself under that stress. Maybe, hopefully next year it will be different.

I have put a bottle of champagne in the fridge and my husband and son are going to get a pizza (really really romantic!!).

I have not had a good day. Went clothes shopping with husband to get bigger sized stuff. that was depressing enough by itself let alone the unreal feeling that is with me 24/7. My son came home from school with a pile of homework and somehow I felt responsible for that ,if it is not done right. I think it bears a reflection on my parenting.

Anyway, I am sorry for rattling on about something that seems so small in the scheme of things, but if it matters to me it matters.

Does anyone feel that days are far too long and drawn out?

Take care of yourselves.

Love Fran XX

07-09-06, 18:40
Dont beat yourself up Fran youre just having a bad day. Tomorrow may be better!!

07-09-06, 18:42
Hi Fran

firstly congratulations on your 21st wedding anniverary,,

I think the pizza and champagne sounds great,
Iven been married nearly 10 years and as we have 2 amall children getting a babysitter is sometimes hard so your night in sounds good to me,,,

as for childrens home work my 6 year old sometimes comes home with stuff and i think what the H.... am i supposed to do with that, your nor alone i think everyone feels like that at times,

Try not to let it spoil your night,

enjoy x

kairen x

07-09-06, 18:46
hi fran firstly :HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!:hope you have great night,and also i don,t think your hubby will mind where you eat as long as you both have a great night!!!
take care rachel x

07-09-06, 19:05
happy anniversary, and im sure you can have a nice night in with your pizza. when your son is in bed its time to cuddle up of the sofa
have a good night

07-09-06, 19:33
Hi Fran
Please dont beat ya self up over this but i understand .....at this time your just to anxous to go out an eat and by all means Im sure your a great mom we just dont see it i have 2 boys and my youngest 17 ive had agraphobia his whole life hes turning out ok actually hes great....i know we feel bad with this and that but we cant do that there are other illnesses out there also people cant do with there spouses or kids....so keep ya chin up you will get there oh and HAPPY ANNIVESARY..you can still make it happy u have eachother............Linda[8D]

07-09-06, 20:40
Hi Fran


I like you find it hard to go out for meals, you can still enjoy yourself at home, a bottle of champagne and pizza sounds great.

Enjoy your evening !



07-09-06, 21:49
Hi Fran,

Congratulations on being married 21 years, nowadays this should be under success stories! Hope you have a great night.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

07-09-06, 22:11
Thanks to all your posts.

Well, we went and picked up the pizza and our ten year old was deciding what he wanted on his half! Hubby had hot chilli - not to my taste. Champagne was great and we gave our son a half glass so he at least should sleep well:D

I miss our eighteen year old daughter (who is expecting our grandson 22 Dec). Feel she ought to have been here with all three of us.

It was a different anniversary in that this time, last year, my dad was alive and I wasn't like I am right now.

Anyway, I am going to try and enjoy what is left of the evening. At least we remembered the past ie how we were supposed to be flying from Gatwick to Malta, yet instead had to be transferred to Luton! I was as sick as a dog through drinking too much at our reception (ah, happy memories!!):D

Thanks for all your positive replies and congrats. It means a lot.

Lots of Love

Fran XX

08-09-06, 07:01
Hi Fran,

congratulations and well done for getting to 21 years! Its our anniversary on Saturday (17 years) and my husband has booked a meal out but wont tell me where! Says its a 'surprise'. Oh god .....I know he means well but to be honest I'm not great with surprises!

Glad yours went well though.

Take care

Coni X

08-09-06, 09:21
Hi Fran and congrats!

I know what you mean about the kids homework! How cruel to start it thei early though!!! What I usually do if they are struggling is let them have a go on their own and then if they arent getting on, go through a few with them and if they still dont get it go through all of them with them. Then I pop a post it note on and just mention what we've done together/what he is managed alone so she knows what he needs to work on. I wouldnt beat yourself up about it. I think as long as your son has a go and you dont 'do it for him' the teacger will be satisifed!

08-09-06, 17:31
Thanks to all who gave positive vibes for this important time.

My husband woke up with an ear infection and feeling unwell! I just felt like I do normally do I cant blame the pizza!

Lots of Love

Fran XX