View Full Version : Full Blood Count - Would lymphoma show up on this??

22-02-13, 12:53
Hi everyone,

I am currently having a lymphoma panic. The one behind my left ear is a bit swollen and I can feel quite a lot of pressure in that area, including my ear and left side of my neck. I have no cold or sore throat or anything, feel generally well. I also have a moveable lump about the size of a 5 pence piece towards the front of my throat which the doctor thought was muscle spasm. I thought I found a lymph node in my left armpit too a few days ago but had a quick feel this morning but couldn't feel anything. (Although it was a very brief feel as I was so scared of feeling something!) I keep getting twinges in both armpits, but could this be from shaving my armpits?

Why can't I just find reassurance in what the doctors say?

Also, had a full blood count which came back normal except for raised iron and liver function which the doctor put down to being on iron tablets for over a year until a few weeks ago. But anyway would lymphoma come up on this test??

Any thoughts?

22-02-13, 13:07
Hi Lily,

As you know I am suffering the same panic as you. The doctor said to me that there isnt a specific blood test for lymphoma but there is one that if there was a problem it would show up (not sure of name). She didn't do that one on me when I went over Christmas for other blood tests hence why I am going next week for it.

I always get little spots from shaving/sweat under my armpits which seem to go, so maybe you had something like that?

Only a couple of hours to go until my x-ray!

Will let you know- try not to worry yourself too much.

22-02-13, 13:16
Hi again FR14!

It's nice to have someone with the same worries (not that I am glad that you are suffering too but you know what I mean!)

I'm going to go to a different doctor on Monday to have a thorough feel and ask if I can get another blood test.

My doctor was trying to convince me that I don't have bowel cancer or spine cancer last week and now I need him to convince me I don't have lymphoma now. This is getting embarrassing!

Good luck for this afternoon. Will you get the results straight away?

22-02-13, 13:22
Hi I had a lymphoma scare, found a lump in my neck in collarbone area. So Dr. sent me for a CBC (Complete blood count). Results came back normal... They said it would show up if there was anything wrong.

It's been a year and the lump has not grown or changed. They said it could be a lymph node or a cyst.

Sometimes lymph nodes stay big, called a shotty lymph node I believe.

Hope this helps.

22-02-13, 13:26
I know exactly how you feel, in the space of 2 months I had cervical cancer/ovarian cancer/ bowel cancer, brain cancer and now this. I think I have been to the doctor at least once every week.

No I don't think I will get the results back which is really frustrating and just adds to the anxiety! Then I have to get the blood test sometime next week, why they don't do it on Friday's I don't know!!

Good news is that I have my first cbt appointment next week- only the start but at least its something.

Take care and I'll update you later.

22-02-13, 13:52
It's so frustrating going through all this. When you say it out loud it sounds so silly, but inside it's so so terrifying.

I have been completely convinced I have had brain, 2 types of spine, colon, rectum, anus, soft tissue, bladder, uterus and cervical cancer, and now it's lymphoma. I'm hoping my track record of thinking I have cancer and then actually not having it will stand me in good stead for this new lymphoma worry.

I too have my first CBT session next week. I have been referred on the NHS but the waiting list is so long I'm having to go private. I will have to scrape together every last penny but at least I will get help. The way I see it is I'd rather be poor and happy!

Good luck this afternoon, I'm rooting for you!