View Full Version : newbie, and i waffle (alot) :)

22-02-13, 14:40
hi there, I'm new to the forum, although I have "lurked" for a while and read a few posts trying to understand and gain some insight especially on the medication side of the issues we face.

I'll try not to waffle too much :D, but hoping someone could shed some light or point me in the right direction.

I was on 200mg Sertraline for just under 2 years and in January after being forced to change GP's thanks to a house move (does wonders for agoraphobics when you can barely get to the same GP you been seeing for 4 years :shrug:) anyway, I managed to go see my new GP and advised I felt the Sertraline wasn't working for me. I requested a psychiatrists input/diagnosis and to prescribe the "correct" medication. GP agreed to send off referral and also changed meds and advised one week off the Sert. and then started me on Mirtazapine (the usual 15mg up to 30 after a few weeks) and I've had debilitating side effects many of which are documented on this forum and elsewhere, but one which doesn't seem to be that common is the uncontrollable rage and anger I sometimes feel - the poor hoover is no more thanks to one of these "rages" - and its the smallest of irritations that sets them off.

On my follow up with the GP prior to upping the dosage, I advised her of my concerns regarding the side effects (the shrugging of shoulders and saying all meds affect people differently did not fill me with much confidence) and proceeded to fill out the prescription for the higher dosage. She at the same time mentioned that her referral for psychiatric evaluation had been returned as a NO due to the fact that I had recently changed meds, was currently receiving CBT and felt that there was no need to have my meds evaluated.

Having had a bit of a meltdown, and another uncontrollable rage episode I felt stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I go back to the GP for more shrugging of shoulders? I eventually contacted my CBT therapist who in turn spoke to one of the psychiatrists who advised I should stop (gradually) which when the therapist told me, I was enthusiastic and glad someone was listening to me.. but now, 24 hours later I am doubting my enthusiasm as the reality of the situation sets in.

Going back to see the (senior) GP, who doesn't seem to understand mental health issues or have the confidence to address it, doesn't fill me with confidence. I broke down and sobbed when she advised I wouldn't be seeing a psychiatrist - she could see the state of mind I was in, or at least how desperate I was feeling about getting the correct medication or at the very least a diagnosis - what's the point of dishing out anti-depressants for bi-polar type II :shrug:

so where to from here? I cannot think of any other avenue bar seeing the psychiatrist to get an idea as to what meds I should be on. Can I insist on seeing a psychiatrist?

Thank you
Ness xx

22-02-13, 14:51
Hi Mellow-ness

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-02-13, 18:25
Hi Ness. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

22-02-13, 20:28
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


23-02-13, 05:13
Welcome to NMP

23-02-13, 15:07
Welcome Ness:welcome:
I think you need to change GPs,and find one who at least has an interest in MH Issues.Your experince with your Dr is sadly not an isolated case.:mad:Some Surgerys have at least one Dr in the practice who is knowledgeable about Mental Health. Good luck and keep posting.